
Monday, June 30, 2008

[photos] twssg premium event

2 new photos from the twssg premium event which tomato99 [thanks!] posted on byj's quilt.

Source: TWSSG officiail site (nifty)

you want to know the thoughts of the lee philip, park sung woon, ok kwon rok, moon sori, lee ji ah and kim pd on yong joon and know little about them? likewise, you want to know some trivia when yong joon was in japan? go and check the latest translations of a sweet sister on bb's blog or you may click here and here.

[photos] lee ji ah in osaka

there are 31 photos all i all. i put them into a slide and put caption on each photo. the slide is a collection of photos of ji ah starting from kansei airport, to the practice at kyocera, at the backstage during the twssg premium event and exclusive interview photos.


note : place your cursor on the image to read the caption on each photo.

notice the same bottle they're holding? could this be the mineral water that yong joon was telling about in his interview that he brought from korea? if my translation is right, it seems that bof is seeling this for a limited offer? *scratching my head*

^click to enlarge

i found this newly posted photos of ji ah in [thanks to LN!] which originally came from

AERA July '08 ish

I hope by now all of you have read the translation of cloudnine, courtesy of bb’s blog, the 1st part of yong joon’s interview from AERA magazine. Well, just in case you missed that you can click here, or here, or here to read [hee, so many options for you not to miss ^^].

I think that the 2nd part of the interview was released today and if I’m not mistaken the following photos that kaorin posted on byjfan are from that interview.

Just a reminder, bb mentioned last week that in part 2 of the interview, yong joon will share his thoughts on love and life. Something to look forward to, right?

scanned by kaorin/byjfan

Sunday, June 29, 2008

kami no shizuku #2

i just finished my second drop of 'kami no shizuku' or 'drops of god'.

previously, after learning about his father's death of liver cancer, shizuku returned home after two years to see his father and receive the will he left.

at the room where he has the envelope with the the words written outside 'kami no shizuku' or 'drops of god', he asked his dad's lawyer, ms saryu, to tell him the summary of the will.

ms. saryu then obliged. the late yatuka kanzasaki was the world's leading wine collector. his wine collection has a market value of approximately worth 20 billion yen and his collection has become a target of desire amongst collectors in the world. but his son, shinzuku, cannot immediately inherit the collection.

ms. saryu continue by saying that, in the will, the late mr. kanzasaki had chosen what he considered to be the 12 best wines. but in his vision, there was also one mysterious wine that he called 'drops of god'. there will be a total of 13 wines which has to be determined within a year. so anyone who can determine the make of the wines will have the inheritance transferred to him.

shizuku having no interest in wine took this lightly and said that this arrangement is only part of his father's impertinent talk about wine. likewise, there's no other relatives and that he's the only heir and that the wine fortune has no value for him. which means he doesn't care about the 13 wines.

but much to his surprise, he then learned that his father has created a contest to determine the inheritance of his wine cellar. then he met his competitor, tomine issei, who is the "prince of the wine world," absolutely obsessed about wine. he was adopted by shizuku's father one week before he died.

on their first meeting, tomine issei already lowly branded shizuku by saying "a low ranking beer employee like you is no match for a wine critic like me. before we begin this battle would you like to surrender?" having heard this shizuku freaked out but tomine goes on to continue by saying "because you didn't show any interest in wine, mr. kanzaki fell ill. people who know nothing about wine like you, should hand over the collection." [hehehehe, so full of air this tomine is. hmm, would love to see yong joon do this kind of a role]

some heated argument then followed with shizuku recalling how his dad tried him to taste and smell things which he never understand. then a punch tomine before he questioned tomine's objective.

the fight only came to a stop when the butler came in to bring a bottle of wine covered with cloth and 3 goblets. the wine is for another test, it is a test of who amongst the two can form the expression that is superior. the reward will be to live in the mansion as said so by mr. kanzaki.

the contest started, it was tomine issei who first tasted and described its color, taste and smell. however when it was shizuku's turn his memory brought him back to the past and saw the garden of their home and remembered the smell. but he could not bring the glass to his mouth, dropped the glass, felt dizzy and ran to the room where his father lies lifeless.
after the incident, tomine continues to critic the wine by comparing it to a painting. then naming the wine and its year at the same time revealing the wine from its covered cloth. he then said to the lady lawyer with bow head, "mr. kanzaki put his last message into this wine. do you understand?"

meanwhile, the part ended with shizuku beside his father's bed wondering how tomine expressed the wine then asking his dead father "looking forward to it? what do you want me and that guy tomine to do? answer me dad."

photo courtesy of ncismanga

Saturday, June 28, 2008

kami no shizuku #1

there's nothing much on the baefront. i wonder if this will be the trend in the coming day? i hope not!

btw, remember that i've been looking for the english translation of 'kami no shizuku' or 'drops of god'? well, i just finished reading the 1st part. you may be wondering how on earth i was able to read it since there's no english translation yet. well, apparently a friend of mine who loves japanese manga has the translation of part 1-4. but she warned me before giving the set that she's not sure if there'll be more coming since she learned that the manga might be made into a drama [hee, she heard it right!] and that copyright will definitely be strictly imposed on this manga.

geez, i really really wish that the authors of this book, brother and sister tandem, under the name agi tadashi, will have the book published in english. [please, please, please...]

anyway, part 1 is already interesting and fast paced. i've already learned handful of tips about wine ^^ .

kanzaki shizuku is already introduced in this part. i'm already intrigue with his character. he was raised by his father, who was a famous wine critic, through some weird exercises of knowing wine when he was a child to his chagrin. he left his father's house for 2 years and returned only when he learned about his father's death of liver cancer through his dad's lawyer. shizuku, despite his competence in wine tasting, works in a beer company. and for a person who confessed not to like wine, his decantering is very courageous and delicate. .

another character introduced in 1st part which i think might have a big role later is miyagi shinohara. she is a sommelier or a wine steward. she is training to be a a knowledgeable wine professional.

the two met in a restaurant where miyagi works. she got in trouble with her customer for serving 1999 Richebourge from Domaine de la Romanee-Conti producer. shizuku came to the rescue by showing off his skill in decantering effortless and impressing the customer on the taste of the same wine served earlier by miyagi.

honestly, i didn't know that there is such an art in wine pouring called decantering. and that the pouring of wine in a decanter can bring out the full potential of the wine flavor.

part 1 ended with shinzuku with the envelope of the will inside of what i think is the study room of his dad and tomine issei is behind the door with this look...

p.s. can you imagine bae yong joon in that scene?

photo courtesy of ncismanga

cute gifs and adorable mini joon bears

found these gifs in byjgallery which zeze posted.

from the latest megane ichiba cf...



from nhk special interview...




are you familiar with the mini joon bears? here they are...

we were supposed to buy at the goodies booth at kyocera dome but when we got there we were told that the queue is sooooo long and that it'll take us 4 hours to be served. duh?! 4 hours!? we then said never mind. these joon bears were selling like hotcakes [actually all goodies were selling like hotcakes] at kyocera dome during the twssg premium event.

anyway, forget about the day when we weren't able to but because there's good news! mariko [thanks!] posted at soompi that the mini bears will soon be available at Joanne Studio. selling will begin on the 1st of july but you must register and order directly. for those interested, you may check this link >

good luck! ^^

Friday, June 27, 2008

news about ‘drops of god’

Finally the translation from the article of josei7 is out and you can read it in happiebb’s blog ^^ [thanks again bb and a sweetsister!]

Oh, just by reading news about ‘Drops of God’ makes me so thrilled! You feel the same way as I do?

‘Kami no Shizuku’ is the original title of the manga. In the book, there are 2 male characters. The hero is Kanzaki Shizuku, the son of international wine critic, Kanzaki Nodaka, and he is a cheerful, spontaneous character. The father Nodaka dies and his inheritance is passed on to Shizuku and one other male based upon the father’s will. The other character is, Tomine Issei, a brilliant wine critic, for whom wine takes priority above all else, will do whatever it takes in the name of wine as a coldhearted enemy and a man with a dark side to his nature. [oh, love to see yong joon in this role!]

According to Agi Tadashi, one of the authors, Tomine Issei’s physical appearance is modeled after YJ. And from the news reports that came out it seems that this is also the role that Yong Joon might take. Hmm, but could this be a second lead? *liezle scratching head*

There was news before [when this news came out last year] that Song Seung Hun is the candidate for the role of Kanzaki Shizuku. And in the latest edition of Josie7 there might also be a possibility that a Japanese actor might get the role, and he is Fukuyama Masaharu.

If you ask me, I hope that they will also consider So Ji Sub to take the role of Kanzaki Shinzuku. ^^ If this happens, this will surely be a dream come true for me. Imagine, my #1 and #2 favorite in one drama! Geez, just the thought of it makes me giddy and excited!!!

Anyway, either with song seung hun , fukuyama masaharu, or so ji sub would be okay with me for so long that our man will be one of the actors.

Argh, but when can we have concrete details on this?! I’ve been wanting to start a thread at soompi for this drama but if no confirmation yet how can i?

I hope that even if Yong Joon is in the US for the rest of the year [as reported by Josei7], we will get to read confirmation about this project soon. Likewise, even if he’s away for the rest of the year, i'm hoping too that there'll be news and photos of him that will come out. *crossing my fingers and toes*

Thursday, June 26, 2008

pix from flix

hee, that was a tongue twister...PIX from FLIX ^^

before i post them here, have you read the new translations that came out today? not yet? what?! not yet? then, stop reading this for a while and read: part 1 here and part 2 here of the 'Sankei Express : Interview with BYJ' by myonne on BYJ's Quilt, and here or here for the 'Part 1 of AERA's Interview' of course with BYJ again by cloudnine as shared by happiebb on her blog. ^^

done reading? ok let me now share with you these photos that kaorin scanned and posted on byjfan ^^. thanks kaorin!

and from 한류 팬 (韓流ファン) vol. 5 cute!

i'll try to have my hair style that way on the next
social event at work ^^ hmm, but i'll have bangs o_O

btw, have you read the news yesterday about the new CEO for Key East and BOF? According to Mariko's post in soompi, the new CEO of Key East and BOF is Byo Chong Ruk [표종록] (38), who according to news is a famous entertainment business lawyer. Wonder what happened to the former CEO, Mr. Bae Sung Woong? Well, still according to Mariko, he is now the CEO of BOF International.

thanks Mariko for the above info!

new magane ichiba cf

i was about to sleep but decided to check byj's quilt for the last time. to my surprise i found this new post of jessica6168 about the new cf of yong joon for megane ichiba. ^^

click here to download the video.

and here are some small photos from megane website

and here are screencaps by yours truly ^^