
Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Physical Look...Sex Appeal...Both

What attracts us to Bae Yong Joon? Is it his physical look? His sex appeal?

Wait, isn't it that physical look and sex appeal the same? Uhm, I thought so too for sometime, but they are not. There are some who has the look but lack the appeal. Others lack the look but they have that "X" factor.

Yong Joon exudes a certain look, a particular effortless style and carries himself very well. These qualities already lead us to love him. But is it all physical beauty?

What about sex appeal?

According to Sophia Loren"Sex appeal is 50% what you've got and 50% what people think you've got," and defines it as "power to interest or attract." You think Yong Joon has it? Sex appeal is actually not only about the look, but likewise what is within. I believe Yong Joon also exudes confidence, intelligence, generosity and sensitivity which makes him more appealing.

Beauty and sex appeal are now co-existent. It's not only one's face that makes one attractive. Beauty and personality are entertwined. Physical beauty is synonymous with inner beauty. I believe that what is attractive now is someone who is natural, who has individual style and who knows what he wants. Who could this person be? Yup, your guess is good as mine...Bae Yong Joon.

Bae Yong Joon possesses the amazing gift of the "overall package." I believe that the combination of good look and appeal is what holds that attraction.

Physical Look + Sex Appeal = Bae Yong Joon = Power

artwork courtesy of noknok of


  1. That match equation is correct! Our Man has the X factor that makes him stand out from the rest.

  2. and and... equals to thousands of gals, including meeee, to fall head over heels for him!!

  3. right on, liezle!
