
Thursday, May 25, 2006

the most precious gift for yong joon

If there is any word, any word at all to describe what most baesisters are feeling at the moment, that would be sadness.

Yong joon has been around over a decade, giving us pleasure, running side by side with the greats and neophytes, openly airing out his ideas, influencing the Asian Wave (as what he wants it to be called), meriting many raves and eliciting some rants, while he has just been working, working, working. We haven’t had a “break” from Yong Joon, because maybe we don’t want to.

He of the boyish good looks, he of a perfect gentleman, a sunny smile, makes him so desirable.

But reading his most recent interview from GQ, revealed that behind the beautiful smile, fame and fortune is a sad rare soul. One would be depressed to find out that Yong Joon in real life is not what we imagined him to be.

He talked about privacy and how much it pains him not to have this simple gift. In the past, he had hinted us many times how much he wanted to go around without fans recognizing him. But with his never ending popularity, the word privacy seems to be unreachable. And because of his current situation ( one of which is owning several businesses) he has put the message across, by talking about it in an interview to drive to the point.

We all know that Yong Joon is eloquent, gracious, confident, wise and respectable. He had this air that bespeaks not just his experience and honed skill, but an underlying outlook in his life and work that we know is the one precious that will keep him going even further.

But at the moment he is boxed. As his family, what then we should do? How to defer? How to deliver? How to keep him happy? While keeping ourselves sane and Yong Joon remains to be very very sane through it all.

As a fan, I think what he needs from us is the gift of understanding. This gift would mean the highest praise that would connote the greatest gift.


  1. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Yeah Liezle .... how to strike that balance! Want to let him know that he's so loved by many, yet not to intrude too much. You're right, not only that we need to understand him more, but also to understand ourselves. What exactly do I want from him?

  2. yea... the gift of understanding...

  3. Anonymous11:20 AM

    hi, liezle

    i wud luv t send him gift of 'understanding,' but i forget sometimes....
    i just want to ask him for more and cud i stop??

  4. hi jaime! if you're to ask me the question you posted above i will honestly tell him to "please do not leave us yet." i've been a for more almost 3 years now and yet i still have so many things to know about him.

  5. hi there bb! we both used this words in our blog. well, i believe everyone of us would like to give this to yong joon. how? by sacrificing a little portion of that love for yong joon.

  6. hi hi tomato!

    yong joon is so addictive. for chocolate lovers he is like chocolates, for wine aficianado he like a bottle of an expensive wine. it's so hard to really stop when you've become so addictive to something. but having too much sometimes may cause us some pain (like yong joon leaving showbiz soon). so i guess the doctor has given us a warning in a very very nice way. back off a little it's not yet late.
