
Monday, June 26, 2006

missing yong joon terribly

here i go again sighing...

are you all missing yong joon like i do? as in terribly missing?

you might have noticed that i've been blogging a lot lately. hee, that's to kill the time and not to go crazy thinking of yong joon.

he's really testing our patience and loyalty. are you the loyal fan or the fad fan? i'm definitely a loyal fan. i may have eyes for the others but i remain a true and loyal fan of yong joon. [geez, never been this crazy over an asian artist be a hollywood one] *liezle blushing*

yong joon zapped me real hard *^_^*


  1. me too, am a real fan, not a fad fan :p

    miss him soooooooooooooooo much!

  2. Anonymous12:29 AM

    yes, please blog more leizle. You ladies are our life lines now, there is no Yong Joon, no quilt .... means no smile, no laughs, no happiness, no energy, no life! Translate into husband and son's terms means - no cleaning, no shopping, no cooking, no food, no happy tummy!
