
Sunday, June 18, 2006

numbers talk...anti talks

number talks

bear with me for a while please, k? this is about soompi once again ^^

i've already posted in this blog my reactions to byj bashing at soompi. and as you probably know i've been very diplomatic in my posts. when i was visiting the thread where nasty remarks on our man were made, i noticed these numbers ~

- 251 posts

of the 251 posts about 80-90% were nasty remarks.

what's my point in bringing these numbers?

6,295 view rate in one thread at korean celeb photos is actually high considering that yong joon is not popular at soompi. i've checked other thread from pages 1-3 with more than 6000+ posts and they are only a handful.

so, what gives?

- if soompi is a forum of anti byj then, antis are curious about our man and they're checking on him. why? they want to know what makes him the #1 korean actor and not they idol/s. ^ ^ and if they find something good about him, they'll start bashing.

- there are many silent admirers of yong joon at soompi. do you know that byj thread at soompi has been viewed 133,000+ with 6000+ very informative posts? again the view rate is quite high when there are only a handful of us posting in the thread.

numbers talk, don't you think?


anti talks

you've heard about wls the movie, right? and i believe that most of us are against it. be it byj/cjw or other actors playing the role of jun sang and yoojin, it's definitely a no for us. for me wls is already a classic and it's the drama that introduced me to korea.

since wls the movie has been in several korean portals over the previous days, one critic/writer has this to write in his article at www. from his past post about byj, i can easily identify him as an anti byj. he is the same person who wrote that byj's acting in april snow is no different from his wls acting. he also wrote something about gkfg.

here let me share with you what he wrote last 6.16.06 @ twitch ~

They're making a film version of 겨울연가 (Winter Sonata).Now that I gave you time to curse, scream, and throw things at your screen, here's some details: Yoon Seok-Ho's 2002 KBS2 Drama is the most successful of all time, not necessarily at home (where it has its fans, and did pretty well in the ratings, but it would have been forgotten if not for its success overseas) but especially in Japan, where in a couple of years it made something like a few TRILLION (yeah, TRIllion) Won between distribution rights, DVD sales, Yonsama coffee mugs, toilet paper, teletubbie dolls and even condoms (OK, not really, but you get the picture). It made its stars Yonsama and Choi Ji-Woo two of the top actors in Japan, so much that Prez Koizumi joked Bae is more popular with okasans than he is (I can understand that...). It even allowed Park Yong-Ha (who can't act to save his life) to start a successful singing career over there, reaching the top of the Oricon Charts.

How's the show? If you listen to those who made money off of it, it's a masterpiece. If you listen to people like yours truly, think of going to the dentist for a visit that takes 20 hours to complete, and at the end your teeth are still rotting (or is it the brain?).

very anti, don't you think? btw, and he's to make a review on WLS. don't you think he's torturing himself? if he doesn't like the drama then i hope he won't make a review anymore. it'll be really so bias.

if you guys want to leave a message at what he wrote here's the link



  1. thanks liezle for sharing these... yea, numbers talk. and also precisely because people are reading, we fans should behave in a manner that our man would be proud of. and so far, you've been more than great. so thank you once again.

    but... i do hope you're not personally upset or affected by all this anti-talk. it's okay, not everyone has to like yong joon [though i still think it'll be difficult not to like the guy if someone really takes the trouble to get to know him], and looking at these people are behaving, i'm just glad i'm nowhere near them.

    have a good sunday :)

  2. and... you're right, if that twitch fella doesnt like wls, he should just save himself the trouble and agony of watching anything related to it, and writing about it. it doesn't make him happy and it definitely doesn't make us happy. so, why bother?

  3. liezle,

    Thanks for taking the time to set things straight to those people in the korean celebs section. Honestly I seldom go there because it will only irritate me. I guess the people there are just too fond of seeing the negative in everyone.

  4. Anonymous7:04 PM

    I say...


    Okay... I am over-reacting. But if he doesn't like Joonah, he only needs to say 'I don't like him, that's all' and then keep his big blabber mouth shut.

    And about Soompi being an Anti-BYJ? WTH??? I didn't notice it... Cos you are definitely right about it being one of the top visited threads there... I hope Soompi ain't biased against Joonah... He is one of the reasons why I visit Soompi.

  5. nah...i'm not upset or mad on what those people are writing about our man. it just makes me wonder what satisfaction do they get from being so nasty and what made them so mad or envious. like what frances said even if they are young it's not an excuse to be nasty.

  6. marissa, you are correct. i often see negative comments on that forum. really not a fun forum to be but someone has to do the "policing" sometimes ^^ and let them know that we exist.

  7. hi there robyn, thank you for dropping by my blog.

    actually twitch is a pretty good site. there is this one fella there who writes beautiful stuff and he even praised AS. but the other guy...well, it's really very very obvious that he doesn't like byj. like everyone else i also wish that he stops writing bad stuff about yong joon. and spare himself from being tortured. ^^

    surprise about soompi being anti-byj? ^^ don''s a fact. anyway, actually soompi is just a small venue for byj fans. there are more than 40 byj sites in diff languages. and believe it or not most byj fans are silent supporters.

  8. Anonymous12:47 AM

    Glad to hear that, not only the 2 main actors in WS are successful, but the other actor, Park Yong-Ha is doing well too!

  9. hi anonymous! actually not only wls stars have become successful even korean tourism ^^

    thanks for dropping by.

  10. hi addicted! i think that you have your point there ^^ hee, and that's we have been doing...ignoring them. but sometimes, when it's getting really to much, someone has to educate them even a little.

    btw, since the last time i posted, i think if i'm not mistaken that was last saturday. the thread had been pushed down. you know what's the last post i made? bec many are disgusted with the disheved looked of yong joon in gq i posted "the editor's note" and highlighted what she has to say about the dishelved look and yong joon's behaviour on the pictorial.

  11. Hi Liezle,
    Although I am a fairly new family member, I had heard of soompi but never been to the site. I agree numbers speak for themselves. I believe most people just want to get a rise out of others and knowing that our wonderful YongJoon has a huge following they pick on him.

    No, I don't want another Winter Sonata - there will only be one for me.

    I enjoyed reading your blog.

  12. Hi Mrs. A and thanks for setting your footsteps in my blog. Been reading your posts at bb's blog.

    WLS is a classic and no one can duplicate it^^

