
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Part 1 : Trivia About WLS

most of the newbies got to know yong joon via "winter love song". and since wls is still quite "new" to you, here are some trivia regarding wls.

i know the oldtimers must have read this many times, so please indulge ladies ^^

credit goes to purplebutterfly of

TRIVIA 1: JUN SANG is supposed to die due to illness.
DETAILS: The director wanted it so to make amends to SANG HYUK and
make YU JIN to leave for Paris alone. But due to viewers' protests
online, he decided to let JUN SANG survive but is blind.

TRIVIA 2: All things worn and used by BYJ and CJW became hot items:
DETAILS: Hairstyle, ways to tie the scarves, Polaris necklace, car,
BYJ's sweaters, Gucci ring worn by BYJ on his pinky finger, BYJ's
Frank Muller watch, Samsung phones and BYJ's green half-rimmed

TRIVIA 3: BYJ fainted on few occasions due to fatigue and lack of
DETAILS: However, he insisted on continuing even though he caught
colds. He was so tired that he really slept in the hospital scenes.
The supposedly weak CJW was well and didn't even catch a cold! CJW
even shared her blanket with BYJ (which she brought during shootings
so that she'll not get cold) when he got sick.

TRIVIA 4: BYJ did not want to be the young Jun Sang.
DETAILS: He tried to lose 4kg and stopped exercising. He was so
afraid that a muscular physique would make him look weird in
uniform. After filming a scene, he would look nervously to watch the
effect. He was impressed that the director managed to help him look
so young.

TRIVIA 5: BYJ even broke his tradition of not reading the script
beforehand as not to restrict himself in his acting.
DETAILS: He hates to place-read lines and wanted to act naturally.

TRIVIA 6: BYJ and CJW cared so much for each other.
DETAILS: She took care of his makeup while he was always there to
cheer for her even though he wasn't involved in the scenes. When she
couldn't get the right emotions, the director would ask where he was
and asked others to bring him there. After filming the final scene,
BYJ even offered his shoulder to let her sleep on. Many joked that
they really looked like lovers even though she addressed him as "big
brother" fondly.

TRIVIA 7: The last scene where BYJ was supposed to cry nearly drove
him crazy because he couldn't cry at all.
DETAILS: CJW had to accompany him to cry and he was very apologetic.

TRIVIA 8: There was supposed to be 2 more episodes of Winter Sonata.
DETAILS: But BYJ and CJW are too popular that if their job
assignments were delayed, their managing company will lose out 4
billion won. Now BYJ's price is coming to 13 billion so his company
will not let him go. His fans who visit the filming spots when he
was there got to enjoy the coffee that he bought for them.

TRIVIA 9: Many firsts for BYJ and CJW.
DETAILS: It's the first time for BYJ to blow dry and dye his hair
while it's also the first for CJW to cut her hair short. BYJ likes
white and his favorite car is the white Ford.

TRIVIA 10: BYJ and CJW were chosen as the best screen couple in many
online contests.
DETAILS: When both were interviewed in a program, CJW said that if
BYJ would be her first love, she'll not forget him for sure. He was
so shy that his face turned red. It was rumored that they were a
pair when they turned up in a lover's attire at the celebration
party after the filming ended.

TRIVIA 11: In KBS' TV awards, BYJ won Best Actor and Most Popular
Artist award while CJW won Best Actress.
DETAILS: In the said awards, the female host found a chance to make
fun of him as he seldom appears in entertainment programs. She
exclaimed how handsome he was and wanted to fulfill her wish – she
asked him to look into her eyes and say he loves her. As the show
was live and no cuts, BYJ was taken aback and was suddenly shy. He
looked elsewhere and stammered in his speech. He smiled and said
that he couldn't look at her directly. When the host insisted, he
finally finished saying it. It was so amusing to see that BYJ was so
reserved and shy after acting so many times as a prince charming in
many series.

I've another set later.


  1. Anonymous1:43 AM

    Thank you for the list of links, trivia, and cartoons on WLS. Greatly appreciate it. Just a side note: I am surprised that the director of WLS was greatly influenced by the fans demand!

  2. hey 'upstairs'

    you need not be surprised... actually, koreans are being shot as they are aired, sometimes they only shoot the episode a day ahead of its airing! so it's not so uncommon [geez, i hate double negatives, don't you?] that the scripts are re-written and influenced due to strong pressure from the audience.

    the same thing happened with wuri yong joon's HWRL and also in BD.

    p.s. liezle, great post this one. am looking forward to the next set.

  3. Anonymous2:55 AM

    "actually, koreans are being SHOT as they are AIRED"

    Sorry bb, had to chuckle at this one...ha! ha!

  4. Anonymous2:58 AM


    Great post!

    I love WLS. It is my third Korean series..hmm..the first two were watched in fragments though. So, this is my first complete Korean series...

    thanks for sharing! Looking forward to more..ha! Wink wink..

  5. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Thanks for the trivia, leizle. Great information about how BYJ and CJW supported each other. Sounds like a great friendship.
    Keep them coming please!

  6. hee.... ginnie!! *bb blushes at her gaffe*

    i should hope not...!!

    haha, okay, just for the record, korean dramas are being shot as they're aired...

    p.s. seems that my 'secret' is out, yea, am one of those who don't vet her stuff before 'publishing' :p

  7. Anonymous7:16 AM

    I am surprised that Yong Joon fainted during WLS...I know it is tiring but he seems so healthy. I've never fainted in my life, so I don't know how one would faint from fatigue. Are some people more prone to fainting than others, I wonder...

    I read that Yong Joon fainted after filming April Snow's last scene too.and also during one of his photo shoot sessions for his photo album..Now, it is quite worrisome to be fainting so easily. Some people go through life not fainting even once, and Yong Joon has fainted countless times. Thought it is pretty unusual.

  8. ginnie ah,
    actually i've heard that quite a lot of korean actors and actresses tend to faint in the midst of filming. the schedule's simply too demanding, they would go without sleep for days at a stretch.

    surprisingly, cjw's very 'robust'... so much so that when she's filming BD with LBH, he commented on how she didn't seem 'faintist' at all, when he's like dying from fatigue already...

    as for wuri yong joon, well, being the perfect perfectionist he is, i think other than the physical fatigue, the mental strain he puts on himself is probably quite scary too. so...

    p.s. have you read about what LMS said when she's filming scandal with him? that she actually thought he would die on the job coz he's working and pushing himself so hard.

  9. liezle, WS was my first and love this trivia about him. I can't get enough. Thanks so much. This is so great!

  10. Sis Leizle, this is some great trivia, about "Winter Sonata". I have been sharing a lot of WLS stuff to my Facebook fan page, Our Charming Prince: Bae Yong Joon. I hope you don't mind that I shared this WLS trivia (both parts, of course) with the Bae-family who are members, there. "Winter Sonata" is one of my three favorite BYJ K-dramas. ("Hotelier" and "The Legend" are the other two.)BYJ is my favorite Asian actor, although I like a few more. Thanks, for the great postings and photos you have shared, here on your blog. Take good care, sis! Love and hugs, dear! <3!
