
Thursday, June 15, 2006

time for another post

I know i haven't been blogging for quite a long time now. There were several reasons why^^

- i've no internet connection at home for a week
- i've tons of work at the office
- i went out of town for 2 nights and 3 days last week
- and it takes me ages to compose a blog entry *^_^*

anyway, since i've posted 2 messages in soompi (at the not so nice side of soompi), i thought of sharing them with you here since i know many of yong joon fans do not go to soompi (for some known reason) . at times soompi can really be a headached. if you're a byj fan who is sensitive and cannot stomach nasty remarks then soompi's korean celeb photo thread is not for you.

i'm also sensitive when i read nasty remarks on our man, but i think someone has to do the "policing" in the threads i mentioned and not let non-byj fans feast on him with rude remarks. so i made time again to feel my presence at those thread.

again don't worry guys, i'm just like our man... very diplomatic.

here let me share with you my 2 latest posts in ~

BYJ's New Look Thread

Hi everyone!

I’m guessing that most of you guys don’t know why he’s sporting that long hair I’m assuming that most of you didn’t even go to page 2 were I posted the reason for his long hair. Well, it’s not because he wants to look cool or fashionable like some teen idols. Or he’s doing this to attract or turn off the ajummas as what some of you posted Anyway, the long hair is for his upcoming PERIOD drama “Great King and Four Gods” where he plays the roles of Damdeok.

Btw, before I go on, would you guys fancy your idol wearing extension or wig for his project? Wouldn’t you like your idols to be versatile? Hee, that’s Yong Joon as an actor. He may have choices but his professionalism gets the better of it. He doesn’t care whether it fits him or not. The long hair is actually not different from the bashing he got for his bodybuilding in 2004. The bodybuilding thing also depends on the character he plays. Like in “Untold Scandal” he had to trim down to suit the role of a Cho Won. Btw, he also had a long hair in “Untold” for the topknot . In the Image Vol. 1” (his photo book) he had to build his muscles and went on a very rigid diet and training. And in “April Snow” again he had to trim down for the role of InSoo. In his new drama, he again is putting more weight to fit the role of the great king. You can see that in some of his latest photos with the long hair.

So what does versatility means to you?

As one fan said, like it or not, he is an actor that can play different roles and do whatever it takes. Cheers!

6-pack of Korea Thread

hi everyone!

just to give you more info as to why byj built his body as such, here's an excerpt from an article translated by happiebb

In 2004, Yong Joon embarked on the unprecedented training regime that was never seen in the Asian entertainment industry. His body underwent the most rigorous of training and he bore the pain of his muscles being stretched. The tortuous pain of the fitness program tested his mind and challenged his will and he went through tremendous stress mentally. In the end, his determination and perseverance saw him through and what emerged was a perfect physique. He was ready for the pictorial album.

please discount the possibility of steroids. as most of you probably don't know, he owns a well-being restaurant. would a person so conscious of his health would be on steroids?anyway, hope i was able to give you guys informations that you don't know about byj.

ops one more thing he only ate chicken breast during the training and there were almost no fat in his body left after the training.

btw, hope you guys will check my other post here to see how his body looks now. it's very diff from The Image Vol. 1 photo album.

fellow byj fans mariko and michelle dropped by those threads and of course left messages for the antis. here let me share with you their post at 6-pack thread ~

michelle's post made me smile

Thank you for being the voice of reason in what sometimes appears to be Romper Room on Viagra.

and here's what mariko posted

Hi liezle!

Thanks for always clearing up things for our Yong Joon. I was so surprised to know that Soompiers are not well informed about his activities. To think that he started the Hallyu in Asia and now spreaded to other parts of the world. It is because of him that all of us have now the previlege to watch so many K-dramas. At least, he should be respected for this.

Some are commenting that the ajumas in Japan will stay away from him bec of his new look. I doubt it very much. His "Japan family" is so loyal to him. No matter what. we will stay with him...btw, his fans are not only ajumas, my 8 year old son is also a fan. The kids in Japan love him. Yong Joon is a child that every mom would like to have. He is very special in many ways.

So everyone, are you not curious why he is so popular? Then try to find out!

^ ^, we are family!


  1. hey, liezle, here's a big THANK YOU.

    know what? i've never worried that you would not be diplomatic. thanks for being such a delightful model of a byj fan. thank you.

    yea, i'm one of those who only goes the BYJ thread [& sometimes SJS] on soompi.

  2. hi byjglobal! yong joon is my source of inspiration. i pity those who bash yong joon and even other idols. i wonder if these people believe in the word karma?

  3. hello bb! honestly i'm ashamed to taint byj family. we are known to be diplomatic, educated, responsible and mature fans. ^^ but i hope i still can control myself. but there are much more nasty remarks that what are written in soompi as what frances told me once in our chat. she once read in one blog that someone wishes something bad will happen to yong joon. really bad don't you think? it just shows how insecure this fan is to our man.

    yeah yeah i know why you go to sjs thread. it's not bec of's because of one person who is always with him...the yang man (",)

  4. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Hi leizle .... good to read your post again. Sorry to hear about more nasty comments on YJ's hair.

    Well, 'how and what' a person talk (or write in the case of soompi) is a reflection of her character, background and values.
    There are many ways to convey an idea or opinion in a diplomatic and convincing manner. It's obvious that these people who are mindless enough to make malicious comments on someone they don't even know harbour a lot of hatred in them. To these people, I can only pity them.

    You (and frances, mariko, michelle) are the greatest, who always stay at the front line to defend Yong Joon! It's not an easy task to be in a 'confrontational' mode, knowing how kind and nice you girls are!

    My admiration to you! .... jaime
