
Friday, June 30, 2006

what if he does?

i just cannot help myself from not sharing this :D

like i've posted earlier, there are a lot of newbies in byj's kob from the US. today, a new member from kob wrote that she wrote to the webmaster to ask if yong joon visits the site. the webmaster replied to her that yong joon does "visit the website from time to time". since then, i noticed that there are fans encouraging yong joon to post.

hee, i wonder what he is thinking reading all the messages? will he be soon posting in kob? let's wait. the thought of it gives me a big smile.

would very much love to read from yong joon. it's been really a long time now that he last posted his message to the fans.

1 comment:

  1. yea, me too think it's kindda cute how the new fans are posting those messages on the board...

    i also hope wuri yong joon does see them, before he gets totally immersed in GKFG shooting. at the very least, he'll know his family is growing... :)

    yea yea yea, surprise us with a message please...!
