
Sunday, July 02, 2006

are you a baeholic?

take this test and find out.

while there is no clear formula, certain signs mean you might be becoming a baeholic or already one. answer the following questions with yes or no to determine.

1. were you been addicted to bae yong joon for more than 2 years?

2. do you get depressed when you do not see or hear from him for a long time?

3. do you ever seek his official site or any byj sites even when you are out of town on vacation or official business?

4. have you noticed that you cannot bear not to log on many times in his official site or fans sites more than you used to?

5. do you seek byj to improve your mood or cope with problem?

6. do you miss him a lot?

7. do you spend so much buying his officials merchandise?

8. have you noticed that day in and out he is on your mind?

9. does anyone with glasses and great smile remind you of him?

10. do you talk so much about him even to your boyfriend, husband, friends or colleagues?

the more questions you answered yes to, the more you may be at risk for being a baeholic.

is it good or bad? hmm, that depends on how you balance your life with byj being the significant other in your life.

i'm a self-confessed baeholic. believe it or not i think it's very good for my health. *^_^* [though my mom is already telling me to lessen my time in front of my computer. she doesn't know what joy being a baeholic gives me. *liezle blushing*]

what about you, are you a baeholic? hee, the fact that you are reading my blog tells me that you are ^^, but at what extent?


  1. All but #1.

    If there's a 12-step program I do NOT want to know about it.

  2. No doubt I am and mighty proud of it too!

  3. haha, surprise surprise, i only scored a 5/10...

    but shhhhhhhh.... i skipped question 4 coz i can't handle double-negative sentences :p

  4. Alright, I admit I am hooked.

  5. All except #7, sis. (Merchandise not very available, here in East Tennessee (USA). Let's see, 9 out of 10 questions answered 'Yes'. That means that I am 90% a 'Bae-holic'. That's fine with me, because I still manage to spend quality time with my family and local friends, so I have everything pretty well balanced, in my life. Hugs, dear! <3
