
Saturday, July 15, 2006

Have you ever thought?

Have you ever wondered what Yong Joon’s next movie would be? Do you have any particular role in mind that you want Yong Joon to play?

In the past 11 years, we have seen Yong Joon played different characters. Amongst the roles he played, some of the most memorable characters were the role of an orphan who has a strong drive to succeed, a cold M&A Specialist, a Chosun's notorious playboy, a teenager who lives a dark and cynical life, an Architect with a sunny disposition , a lighting director who faces his wife’s betrayal, and soon as the Greak King Damdeok.

In each of the roles he had played, we had seen a different Bae Yong Joon. After each project, we would see a more mature and talented Yong Joon. The level of his performance from his previous work would always merit a much higher performance rating.

We all know that Yong Joon chooses his next project carefully. He’s one of those actors who do not take roles that are too general. He’s also the kind of actor that despite hundreds of script being sent to him, he would choose a script that in not ordinary.

In his 11 years in showbiz he has only done 2 movies. Has it come to your mind that as his fans we are kinda being “cheated” :D hehehehe. Honestly there are times that I feel like I’ve chosen the wrong actor to love. Of the so many actors there is to choose from, why would I chose this man, who has been in the biz for more than a ten years and yet only few credits are under his name. To add to this, after each project he would put on his invisible cloak and would not show up until the next project comes up which at times take months. Hard to love him? Yes, so much! But what the heck…I enjoy the waiting game? Crazy huh? That’s what you call bae-ziness :D

Anyway, back to my questions above about the character you would want him to portray next. Have you ever wondered? Do you have anything in mind?

Here, let me share with you what I want or shall I say wish Yong Joon’s character in his next movie.

First that comes to my mind is Tom Cruise’s Mission Impossible. I would want Yong Joon to play a similar role, a former secret agent not having a peaceful and quiet life.

Wouldn’t you just love to see Yong Joon doing wonderful action consisting of explosions, clever bombs, helicopter chases, evil villains and heartbreaking stunts? Yeah! Love to see that! Yong Joon in action!

Isn’t it that Yong Joon wants to play a role of someone who is sick? I’d like to see him in a character something like the role of in Tom Hanks inPhiladelphia. A gay, AIDS-stricken man who was fired from his job for what he believes to be discrimination against his sexual orientation and disease.

Another role that I like Yong Joon to see is the role of Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man.

Dustin Hoffman played the role of an Autistic, but able to calculate complicated mathematical problems in his head with great speed and accuracy. [look’s familiar? Hee, in WLS Jun Sang is very good in math, right?] In this movie Dustin Hoffman has a very normal brother played by Tom Cruise. Do you know who I’m thinking to be Yong Joon’s borther? *liezle blushing* So Ji Sub ^^

Another great role would that be of Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump.

As for Romantic Comedy, I’d like Yong Joon to play role similar to that of Richard Gere in Pretty Woman. An industrial tycoon/corporate raider [just like in Hotelier] who hired a hooker for a week with an understanding that there will be romantic entanglement which turned out to be the opposite .

Or that of Tom Hanks again, in a role of a grieving widower who works on a radio station in Sleepless in Seattle.

Hmm about doing a comedy, I really do not know if Yong Joon will do good in pure comedy. Frankly, I want him to be in a romantic comedy and not pure comedy [I can’t take the slapping and the poking and it’s not in the character of Yong Joon to be doing that or doing the same to his fellow actors]. Likewise, I do not want him donning tights like in an Action/Adventure/Fantasy ~ Superman.

But…hehehe here goes ~

Ok, give me this chance will yah guys? I’ve been wanting to blog about this but I cannot find the opportunity to include in any of my previous posts. Finally, i found and opportunity ^^

I know I know you too do not want him to be wearing tights and cape, right? Actually, the role like Superman is not for Yong Joon…please…no…no…no...the role best suits Brandon Routh [what a fine looking actor].

But, because I like Superman’s alter ego Clark Kent...

I would want to see Yong Joon as a reporter, in a role largely passive and introverted personality, applying conservative mannerisms, a higher-pitched voice, and a slight slouch. Always, wearing a softly colored business suit, a red necktie, black-rimmed glasses [nerdy look], combed-back hair. And at the end of the day he would not be flying up in the sky and saving the world but instead would turn into some very bad guy. Isn’t it that Yong Joon also would like to play a villain?

Looks interesting? ^ ^

There you go, these are the roles that I wish Yong Joon to see in the future. What about you, do you have any roles in mind?

Btw, after GKFG I wonder how long we are supposed to wait again for our Yong Joon to have his next project.


  1. Anonymous7:21 AM

    oh liezle,

    I love this post of yours! All of your suggestions were excellent choices. I was nodding all the way to the end of the post!

    I've thought about roles that I would like to see him play actually. Action movie and comedy (not Stephen Chow or Dumb and Dumber kind of comedy though)..more intellectual comedy. As for action movie, anything goes I guess. I am not stuck on any action movies. I am not a Rambo fan or Terminator fan though. Not a huge fan of largely CGI made movies as well. Well, that leaves intellectual action movies? ha..whatever that is. As long as Yong Joon gets to do some serious butt kickin' and showing off his slick moves, I don't mind!!!

    I hope Yong Joon will consider stage work too. This will improve his skills as an actor and most of all as a performer.

  2. hello ginnie! intellectuall movies would include harrison ford's movies. most of his movies would surely fit yong joon, right?

    do you think that yong joon would fit in a war movie too? like saving private right type of movie? it's just now that i thought about this.

  3. hi byjglobal! no byj clone ^^ i only want the original *^_^*

    with the kind of pacing yong joon is doing i don't think we will be able to see him in all the roles that we want him to see. :( i hope that he'll choose his work a little faster and not let us wait for months. you agree?

    anyway, i agree with all the movies that you mentioned. and i also thought of the dashing, debonaire james bond type of a movie for him. he'll definitely give pierce brosnan a run for his money ^^

  4. Great blog Liezle!

    I would like to see him in action one too like a Harrison Ford, Indiana Jones type where light comedy, action and an intellectual type character would be found. Possibly also like North by Northwest, Alfred Hitchcock movie type. Like Cary Grant did. I agree with byjglobal, Wuthering Heights would be great too!

  5. Hi Liezle
    I love love this article and I would like to see him in an action movie like Indiana Jones too.

  6. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Hi Liezle,

    Not sure about war movies...guess I am not particularly stuck on any genre of movies for Yong Joon. As long as it is meaningful, you know.

    Savings Private Ryan would be good. So is Jarhead. I'm kind of disturbed by war movies sometimes especially after watching Jarhead. but it keeps my brain thinking, otherwise it'll be rusty. ha!

    Speaking about Savings Private Ryan, I thought about Matt Damon and Robin Williams. Would love to see Yong Joon in films like Good Will Hunting that has a solid writing behind great actors. Robin Williams was just fantastic in there. He is too in so many other movies (Vietnam, Mrs. Doubtfire, Poetic, What Dreams May Come)

    I hope Yong Joon will continue acting till at least Robin Williams' age. ha! I know it is selfish of me to think this way because he is free to do whatever in his life. I agree with you, with his current pace, I seriously doubt all this talk about ideal roles will ever be realized. I guess that's why they are called "ideals".

    ha! Didn't want to end my comment on such a note...some happy news..I got my HWRL today!
