
Wednesday, September 06, 2006

"the king" has arrived

haven't blog for quite a while ^^ my brain was full of worries about something but today all worries were gone because...hee, will let you know later after this post ^^

finally yong joon is in jeju and has started shooting. there were lucky fans who were able to see him at the airport last night at the the shooting site today.

hope that everything will go well in the shooting and the tour.

i know that everyone must have seen the photos of yong joon's arrival in jeju. doesn't he look great?

okay now, i'll let you know why i was worried over the past few days. i was waiting for my visa. not just visa to anywhere but visa to korea. why was i worried? there are so many filipinos applying for visa going to korea lately and we heard that they are kinda strict now. but today my friends and i were amongst the lucky ones who were given visa. yahoo! yahoo! so we're off to korea on oct 11. i'm so excited! can't wait to set my footprints in baeland ^^


  1. Anonymous7:09 AM

    oh congrats, liezle! You're going to see our King?! Wow, such great news! If you happen to bump into him, please don't forget to snap a few close up shots on that muscular 'chest' for your poor chestnut sisters abroad! ok?

  2. hey jaime, thanks! i really would want to see our king but i know that it's very impossible. if ladyluck will be with me and sitting on my shoulder, who knows i might see him. geez, i don't know if i'll be able to take a snapshot if i see him. just the thought of it makes my knees go weak. ^^

  3. Congratulations dear Liezle! I am so happy for you. Now when you get there take a deep breath and ENJOY! You never know what lies ahead...

    Now comes the busy part of getting ready to go! And the countdown!!!!

  4. Anonymous2:04 AM

    Lucky you!

  5. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Whoa!!! Chukahae, Lizle-yah!!!

    Will you bring Joonah home? Can I have a request? Will you bring JiSub home for me?

    Hahaha! I am so happy for you? Are you going with Tita Corrine?

  6. mrs a, anonymous, deodhors and robyn thanks for dropping by and your wish ^^

    though i'm not sure if i can see yong joon, especially with the announcement that he'll be shooting outside of korea, i'm still happy that i'll be going to his country. it's a new experience for me.
