
Friday, September 15, 2006

wig & uniform for the new cf

for the whole day today all we could see in any byj websites and fora are all from the new SECOM cf. ^^ hee, and prior to today it was yong joon as damdeok ^^ there were so many artworks that were made in that lone official photo of damdeok. but has anyone of us got tired looking at it? i doubt ^^ by now i'm sure that lone photo was scrutinized and memorized by almost all baesisters.

have you seen below photo? this is from the homepage of SECOM. yong joon looks great in the security uniform but in suit he looks absolutely wonderful.

in the new SECOM cf it was said that yong joon was wearing wig. yong joon in a wig?! i never believed until i read tomato's email. honestly, i never thought that our man will wear a wig. but i guess it was needed in the cf and our man gladly agreed on wearing one. btw, i thought when i first saw the making in ntv that his stylist just tucked his hair^^

oh yeah our man is in uniform too. doesn't he look great wearing that uniform? be it wig or security uniform our man always look dashing.

oh have you noticed the way he stands in the cf? i looooove it. so perfect!

photos courtesy of flower; hp photo posted by hyejun in quilt


  1. Anonymous9:59 AM

    hi liezle,

    actually I think he looks like one of those heroes in Japanese cartoons, so cute and courageous holding a helmet and clenching his fist!

    SECOM is so smart to use him, he really gives people a sense of security. He can come and guard my house (and me) anytime (except there is nothing worth guarding)!

  2. hello jaime!

    i think anyone who gets yong joon to endorse their product is smart. they are surely getting their money's worth.

    do you have any idea how many cf jong joon has made for 2006 so far? i can only think of secom, lotte almond chocolate and lotte duty free. and geez, i really think that there is something wrong with my memory now a days ^^

    what are his cfs that he did in korea? any idea?

  3. He was wearing a wig? I thought it was shot a few months back. But then it's understandable cuz he has to project another image for the cf. Thanks for sharing that info liezle.

  4. Anonymous8:15 AM

    dear liezle,

    I think he also did the Keongnam condos CF, remember he looked smashing wearing a suit in a totally white condo.

    haha don't worry liezle, you're probably too busy and have too many things on your mind. When you get to my age (which is many years from now), then PANIC (like how I am feeling)!

  5. hehe, am wondering if i should say this at all... but since liezle mentioned the way he stood in the secom cf, you know, abit sideways and all... i kindda like how his butt looked from that angle :p
