
Thursday, December 14, 2006

i want a bear hug

Oh dear...oh my....I love to be hugged by the man who owns this very masculine arms and bury my face in his sexy chest. [liezle fanning herself]

Beautiful arms, don’t you think? Obviously, arms of a man who has passion in lifting weights and doing strenuous exercises.

thanks to style of for taking the photos of yong joon's beautiful arms

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:13 PM

    hi liezle!

    hope all is going well.

    love the way you have captured YJ's arms. Very strong and yes, would love to have those arms around me body and I would love to see his six pack too.

    thanks again for all your hard work on soompi. do enjoy all that is posted there as well.

    take care!

    Happy Holidays to you and yours!
