
Friday, December 08, 2006

new lotte photos

hmm, well not actually new since these photos had been posted for almost a week now. but since i'm only posting them now in my blog, it's "new" here ^^

i always love lotte photos of yong joon. and whenever the new season comes, i always look forward to them. though i must say that there are photos of him that i do not like, especially those with too much lipstick and fluffy hair.

the last season and this season's ad is showing us a different yong joon. color of his clothes are brighter and his poses are not the usual poses that he does, they're more natural.

well, actually since the cosmo [china] photos, i've been noticing that yong joon somehow changed his style. he's kinda more loose and always giving us surprises. which i like better ^^

anyway, here are photos from the lotte duty free shop latest ad that can be seen in seoul. i wish that i can have real photos or postcards to add to my collection. really love this set.

thanks to style, daisukibyj, arayo and mizuumi for the photos

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