
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

more about the coat...

...which we all know by now was designed by John Galliano.

aren't we all curious to know the complete phrase written at the back of yong joon's coat? from below photo we could only decipher the word 'heaven'.

japanese baesister makishi posted on kob another Galliano's design with the same phrase written at the back.

honestly, i was kinda surprise when i learned what was written at the back. it seems so unlikely of yong joon donning a coat with that phrase. it's cool...yeah.... but...anyway, good thing that mariko posted on soompi a short story about the coat that she read at innolife.

apparently, the coat was a gift by no less than Choi Min Soo, Daejangro in TWSSG and a know hardcore Harley Davidson rider. honestly, when i was looking at the coat he's wearing the first name that popped into my mind was really CMS. the coat has the kind of attitude i know of CMS ^^ and i think i kinda saw him wearing something like that.

i wonder what he was thinking when he gave yong joon that coat. hee, he must have teased yong joon to loosen up a bit and show a bit his of his wild side. ^^

i'm sure CMS is happy to know that yong joon wore the coat he gave him. ^^

btw, suehan posted in KOB a bit of a news when yong joon went to DC. according to, yong joon also visited the house of Philip Lee and meet his family aside from attending mass with them. ^^

don't you think that he's such a nice person? even visiting the residence of his co-star [and a newbie]. others may think that 'wow, he's such a biggie doing that to a newbie' but hey don't forget, he's bae yong joon afterall.

p.s. mariko [thanks!] just posted this on soompi. this is apparently the photo of yong joon when he went to Virginia last Sunday, May 11, 2008.

photo courtesy of innolife/byjthread/daum site

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