
Thursday, May 29, 2008

'no comment' by bof

have you read of the news questioning ji ah's age and personality? this news actually came from this portal and it has been a topic of talk in lee jia thread at soompi .

according to the news, bof apparently faked ji ah's age and and fabricated her major in college at pasadena in california. when someone asked bof about this issue, bof only said that her age is accurate and refused to answer other questions about her.

since like i said this has been a topic in ji ah thread at soompi, i wrote the following to somehow clear some things [hee, not really sure if i really did that ^^]

anyway, here's what i wrote ~

as everyone know i'm a fan of ji ah and the owner of BOF. honestly, i don't know if bof will issue a statement on this or not. since ji ah joined bof she's been constantly being watched by the media not only because she's a newcomer but she's also under the wings of BOF. since twssg she has been making a name in drama and cf world, she's been partnered with top actors and given many endorsements.

i think there are people who still doubt her ability and were kinda surprised on how fast she's climbing the ladder of success. an unknown actress from nowhere suddenly becoming a big star. people are hungry to know more about her and maybe since they can't find anything about her they cast doubt on her personality.

here's a little history how she was discovered:

-she auditioned with 29 others for the role

-it was producer kim jong hak who personally handled the audition and discovered her [if i'm not mistaken this was in 2006]

-kjh was the one who announced to the media that lee ji ah got the role of suzini sometime in may 2007. he also mentioned that she is a fine art student who majored in graphic design in college [i think she's taking a break in college] and she is a talented lady who is also fluent in English. [read article here]

-on sept 2007, BOF contracted ji ah since she's been working without any agency since she won the role of Sujini. [read article here]

what i'm trying to point out here is that, before she joined BOF, twssg producer made an announcement to the media about her being a graphic design student in Pasadena. it was not BOF who announced this.

about her being a graphic artist designer, ji ah talked about this in one of her interview which was translated by jingjuna. you can find it at the previous pages.

ji ah has been a target of malicious rumors. i remember reading before that she was even rumored to be the daughter of kjh. that she came from an affluent family which she denied and that she's the girl of the the boss.

btw, bof may not be the kind of agency that always counteracts some issues unless they think that it's really damaging. so far, i don't think that this has been a topic of talk in any baesites or even in any of ji ah sites.

just my 2 cents. cheers!

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