
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

expanding his english proficiency

posted by lynnzhoulily on [thanks so much again lynn!]

I saw on Baidu regarding the purpose of YJ's heading to U.S. It is said that he wants to get more rest as well as to improve his English. He may go to some local language institute, drama house or just walk on the streets trying to get contact with the native speakers as much as possible to practice his English.

I actually read the other night in KOB that he's learning english but i was not sure if i read it correctly because it was in hangul. could it be he's limproving his English because he'll have English speaking lines in the 'WLS Anime'? i remember when he was doing 'Hotelier', he was also studying the language and i think [please correct me if i'm wrong] that was where he met brian lee his english instructor who's with him in NY now?

on second thought, i suddenly remember the link that i saw the other night. i remember before that when asked about his type of woman, he said that he likes someone who can speak english...

curious???....then watch this video ^^

geez, and if the news about him expanding his profeciency in english is true, how long would he be in the US? i hope not too long because i'm already missing him officially.

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