
Friday, June 13, 2008

fan's encounter at JFK

fans who were at the JFK to greet yong joon excitedly shared their experience to the family immediately.

here's the first account which was originally posted in

Posted by: 双鱼座 on www.
Chinese to English by Lynn

I saw BYJ in JFK today.

Just back from the airport~~~~ today I went to the airport to meet BYJ with my friend. Everything went smooth. After waiting about 20 minutes, we saw YJ coming out. There were around 10 fans at the airport who are Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Burmese.

We were so close to him, almost face to face~~~~so wonderful! Cuz YJ was waiting for the car to pick him up, he stood outside for a while and we were standing beside him. Cuz there weren't a lot of people around, it was very quiet. Some korean fans talked with him. But my friend and I were to shy to speak to him. He looked very tired and yawned three times in front of me. haha~~it was so cute of him!

My friend was very lucky that she shaked hands with BYJ for three times, again and again~~~~ I guess she was too excited that she can hardly find the exit when we left the airport.

And I were lucky enough to shake hands with YJ once, I held his hand and realized after quite a while that I should release his hand, haha. It was really amazing to hold his hand. I can feel the power of his holding and it's manly!

I got the notice that YJ will arrive in JFK at 5:00pm today, and I was in such a hurry that I forget to charge my camera. After taking few pix, my camera was out of battery which was the most regretful thing tonight.


and here's from munn a.k.a. mmhka which she shared on byj's quilt and kob

My dearest Yong Joon,
I am very happy to see you in NY again. You look surprised when you saw us. (Didn’t you expect to see us there? )
You look slim in my eyes. Hope you get a good rest here. Please don't hide too much. We promise we will not bother you.
With love,

Dear Bae sisters,
Waiting for my message?
Hope you all knew already (as Moe reported) about the plane landing at 9:16 pm.
I got JFK at 8:50 pm. There were 12 fans (those who look like fans) waiting already with flower bouquets and Joon bear as well. Chinese, Koreans, Japanese and ?? one or 2 Philippino or Indonesian?? I am the only Burmese. He came out at around 9:35 I think.. Some more fans also appeared.
He came with Mr. Brian Lee wearing black jacket, jeans and underneath is his favorite white T shirt.
And, sunglasses also.

My Korean friend next to me called him "Yong Joon Shay" and he noticed us. Then all of us followed him and he looked surprised. Then he took the flowers and signed the cards for some fans and of course, he shook hands with us. At the same time Mr. Brian Lee was telling us not to be too close to him “Guys please… he’s already tired.” We told him “We understand and we won’t bother you”. When I shook hand with him I told him “Nice to meet you again”. (He was pretty tall...!!)

We walked along with him outside while we were busy trying to take pictures, talk to him, give him presents, etc. At outside of the terminal, while waiting for the car, we have time to talk to him, take pictures of him again. I shook hand with him again and asked “How long are you going to stay here?” and he answered “I don’t know”. Hope stay long…. Mr. Lee was like covering him and our YJ was standing between him and the wall. I asked Mr. Lee “Did he get a good sleep on the plane? Get good rest?” Mr. Lee answered “Yes, he did get a good sleep” and I said “We are very worried about his health”. My Korean friend talked to him in Korean telling him about us that we are Chinese, Japanese and Burmese waiting for him and happy to see him.

Then the black van came and picked him up. When he was sitting inside, the light in the van was off. But, when Mr. Lee opened the back door to put luggage, the car light was on and he even looked so GORGEOUS in that dim light. We waited until he left. As usual, he waved his hands to us.

You know, I am typing and touching mouse to write this message for all of you. Actually, I should not touch anything with my right hand as softness of his palm’s feeling is still on my hand, hee hee….

And, one thing I regret was (I even want to slap my face) - I was so in rush that I forgot to put extra memory stick to my camera. So, I got only 4 good pictures others are not very clear. Another regret was I should have reduced the size of picture quality so I can take more. But, please don't worry, I asked my other friends to send me the pictures. I will share when I get them.

See the link to view my Prince’s gorgeous pictures. The passage from Exit door had no light, so my first picture looks quite dark.


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  3. hey mishio! thanks for dropping by and your wish is my command ^^ will reply to you later when i'm not too busy with some things i've been neglecting because of yong joon ^^

    take care!
