
Monday, June 23, 2008

MBC's ‘Magazine One’

Have you read joanne’s latest translation in byj’s quilt? Well, it’s about a MBC program that will be aired on June 25 starting at 6:55pm. In the said program, they will have a segment about yong joon. In that segment they will feature yong joon overseas fans as, his earlier projects as well as they’ll talk about his body.

To read more about this article you may click here or here.

Btw, it seems that whoever did the research didn’t do well his homework. In the article he forgot to include countries like France, US, Australia, etc. Hee, I’m sure camile, coco, flor, michelle, tamar and the rest of the baesisters from other countries who are not included in the list will raise a question why they are not on the list. ^^

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