
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

speculations here and there

have you read the translation of the nhk special program yet? snowkin of loveyongjoon made her translation into chinese and our ever diligent happiebb translated snowkin's translation to english in her blog. huge huge thanks to you two guys! we've been waiting for this. ^^

i honestly love the interview even before i read the translation. even without knowing what was being said you can already tell from the body language of yong joon, moon sori, lee ji ah and even kim pd how they feel.

yong joon seems to be so comfortable with moon sori. kinda uneasy with lee ji ah and so relaxed and proud with kim pd.

moon sori feels at ease with yong joon though there was a part where it was so obvious that she felt embarrassed in what he was saying [it turned out that he's praising her]. as with ji ah, it seems that they get along well.

lee ji ah seems to be acting cool but there were some instances that you can also see her tensed, conscious and uneasy either with moon sori or yong joon which is kinda more evident.

kim pd looks so proud of his actors. ^^

during the interview, there was a question by the emcee to the 2 ladies that goes like this ~
emcee : The two of you had been acting with BYJ, was there anything that you'd always wanted to ask, but couldn't ask?

i guess even when msr was asked about this question, she must have thought at the back of her mind that it was kind of a difficult question...hehehe...until she came up with a question to yong joon on what he thinks of her. ^^ in which yong joon answered very seriously what she thought of msr. here's what he said ~
YJ: That's right. You've never asked this. In Korean, MSR is known as a top actress. But I've not seen her movies, but I know of her acting ability through working together this time. We can even say only she's can play the role of Kiha. Her abundant energy and her focus can bring out the acting in her co-actors, so I was able to immerse into my character. She is a fine actress.
while yong joon was answering her, the camera panned towards msr who looks so cute when embarrassed. ^^

when it was ji ah's turn to reply, she said to yong joon ~
EJA: It's a sudden question, I would like to ask Senior to give me some advice and suggestions, about where my weak areas are, or where I can improve, etc.
and yong joon replied ~
YJ: Don't ask such difficult questions, that's where you should correct yourself.
on my part yong joon's remark seems to be a joke but for some they said that it's kinda 'rude' and cold compared to the kind of answer he gave to msr.

with his remark, fans also noticed how uneasy yong joon whenever ji ah is on the spot and that according to some he doesn't seem to acknowledge ji ah's presence [which i disagree ^^].

some fans even remember their 'behavior' during 2007 mbc awards ceremony.

so what is my point here. ^^ now we all know why yong joon seldom goes for interview his every move is being scrutinized not only by media but as well as fans. hee, actually there is nothing wrong in what we've observed since they remain to be speculations. after being a fan for several years , you don't have to believe everything you see or read unless it's confirmed by the man himself.

it's just that sometimes it's kinda hurtful reading remarks questioning yong joon's sensitivity. i just hope that people [fan or non fan] will not judge him as liar or inconsiderate since we didn't see the whole clip and like i said nothing has been confirmed yet.

translation excerpt : courtesy of happiebb


  1. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Hi Liezle
    I've been a silent reader of your blog which I enjoy very much. This is my first time to post.
    I agree with your view that he did not ignore Lee ji ah's presence. On his so-called "cruel" reply to her question, I went over the clip again. It was quite clear that he was laughing all the while and intended it as a witty/humorous response. I find his interviews very entertaining because of his eloquent and meaningful answers and this trait of his to inject humour. Certainly, he is not the inconsiderate type.
    Anyway, this goes to show how easy it is to get it wrong if one does not know the whole circumstance.

  2. Hi there anonymous ^^ thanks for dropping by.

    Honestly, if one only gets to read the translation and not see the whole video one will definitely get a different interpretation. I’m also thinking that yong joon might probably been surprised too at the kind of question that ji ah asked him. And from the video, I think that ji ah was kinda hesitant to ask but have to ask somehow a question. Likewise, I think she already knew that the question she gave would get a clever remark from him that is shy she has that big smile on her face when she asked. You know what? I wonder…what if ji ah asked the question that moon sori asked [what do you think of lee ji ah?] ha! I wonder if yong joon will answer. ^^

    I hope the NHK didn’t cut that last portion abruptly. We could have seen more. ^^
