
Friday, June 13, 2008

(Trans) How cute wuri YJ's grandma is!

this is a excerpt from an article in Yomiuri Weekly which was shared and translated by shared by lynnzhoulily a.k.a. lynn in soompi.

after reading this article i can actually picture yong joon with a broad smile while being beaten up by his grandmother. geez, he's probably being pressured by everyone to get married. i hope he finds the perferct girl soon.

here's the article ~

This is a part from the interview with Yomiuri Weekly
Posted by wonchun in Chinese on Baidu
Chinese to English by Lynn

Reporter: Since you announced at the 2007 MBC Awards that you plan to get married within 3 years, a lot of people show interest in this. Can you tell us more about it?

BYJ: Yes, I did say that in last year’s MBC Rewards, because my parents once said: “How about you getting married? We both think it’s the right time for you to do this.”
In order to give my fans and my parents a promise, I made that announcement and I will try my best to fulfill my promise.
But just after that Awards when there was a family gathering, my grandma who is almost 90 year old asked me in a little bit annoyed tone: “I have never heard you mentioning about your marriage before, how come you suddenly make that announcement? Who is that girl? You should bring her home to see us earlier.”
I was kindda confused and later on I found out that my grandma had misunderstood what I’ve said that she thought I planned to get married within 3 months instead of 3 years!
At that moment, my mother came to help me out by saying that: “Mom, YJ said he plans to get married in 3 years! Not 3 months!”

Hearing this, my grandma even got more pissed: “What?? 3 years?? NO, NO, NO, I won’t agree with that, it’s too long!” and she began to beat me, haha.

How cute wuri YJ’s grandma is!

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