
Monday, June 16, 2008

yong joon in politics?

well, there are some reporters who asked questions when he was interviewed in japan whether he is interested in joining the politics or even become an ambassador to japan. yong joon diplomatically said he thinks that he will not fit into the role.

read more of the translation of lynn from a japanase magazine which she translated and shared on soompi.

lynn, thanks again. i hope you don't mind me posting this here as well. ^^

BYJ's Interview
Source: byjfan
Japanese to Korean:kaorin
Korean to Chinese:choguan
Chinese to English: lynn

Reporter: You've said that you plan to get married within 3 years. May I know what makes you say that?

BYJ: (Laugh) Yes, I did say that, because my parents said:" Get yourself a wife!" and I replied to them that I will get married within 3 years, that's the whole story. Actually I don't have a girlfriend yet, and at this moment I don't have any definite girl for marriage.

Reporter: You are a famous actor as well as an entrepreneur. You have a lot of investments in both stock market and restaurants. If in the future, you are no longer an actor, will you turn yourself to be a complete entrepreneur?

BYJ: I have no idea about what will happen in the future. The only thing I care is that I should spend everyday meaningfully. I don't even know what will happen tomorrow. I am an actor, although I have some restaurants and companies under my name, I am not the person who is in charge of running those business. When I was a little kid, I think the most delicious things in the world is the dishes made by my mother which are tranditional and simple Korean food. When I built my body (lynn: I guess when he was in the project of Image Volumn 1), I started to have strong interest in the catering culture. I hope to taste the Korean Cuisine made by organic ingredients and because of that I have opened the restaurant in Tokyo.

Reporter: There has been some crisis of confidence in Korea's political forum recently. As an actor who was in the role of a famous hierarch, have you ever considered to advance to the politial forum to break out some crisis for your country?

BYJ: Have I considered to be a stateman?? (laugh) It's too far-fetched. Although I was in a role of a hierarch, I've not been reveled in power. What I've got from that role is as a human being, we should live responsibly. Cuz the hierarch is also a human being, he should show his love and concern about his people.

Reporter: How about you becoming the Korean ambassador in Japan? If you took this role, the relation between Korea and Japan will be much improved.

BYJ: It will be an honor for everyone to take that role, but as to me, I don't think I will fit into that role. I'd rather communicate with my Japanese family through my work.

Reporter: You are the NO.1 Star in Asia now, do you have any ambition to advance to the international market like Hollywood?

BYJ: I feel very satisfied with my achievments in Asia and I am happy to be called 'Asia's BYJ". All my families from Asia regardless of boundries show their love to me and I will keep going on and working hard for my fans in return of their love.

Reporter: As the " Asia's BYJ", what's your concern about Asia now?

BYJ: My main cocern is the environmental problem. Whenever I see the news regarding the distruction of environment, I will consider what we can do to prevent it. I think, the most important segment to solve this problem is to educate all the Children. We should show to them the importance to protect our environment and let them have the sense of responsibility, then the whole situation will change.

Reporter: The way of your answering questions is quite diplomatical. How do you relieve the stress?

BYJ: I'd like to have some drink, wine or.......samshu, like this bottle I bring today with me (pointing to a bottle beside him on the desk) haha, I am kidding, it's just a minela water I brought from Korea. Maybe we can have it together....(laugh).

[lynn : The content may not be so accurate cuz it goes through several versions (Japanese - Korean -Chinese - English), so please read it with a pinch of salt.

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