
Friday, June 13, 2008

yong joon's arrival at kansai airport

in the previous photos you've seen yong joon being greeted by fans when he left incheon airport on the afternoon of the 30th of june.

upon landing at kansai, he was greeted by 1,000 fans. but it was reported that there were about 6,000 fans who flocked the airport but only 1,000 were allowed to go inside and greet him.

fans started coming on the day of yong joon arrival and they stayed overnight just to see him.

first six photos were taken by a fan who happened to
be at the airport as well. thanks to style for
sharing in byjgallery.

fans and media awaiting for the arrival of yong joon.

yong joon arriving with the rest of the casts and director of twssg.

btw, did you know that when the plane they were riding landed in kansai the pilot announced that they're very honored to have yong joon in the flight and that he is an actor who represents the republic of korea. and the pilot even wished him to do his best. ^^

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