
Saturday, July 12, 2008

Untold Scandal

These photos of Yong Joon, Lee Min Seok, Jeon Do Yeon are from a magazine back in 2004 for their movie 'Untold Scandal'. Though the movie's classification rating is over 18 i can say that for its kind of genre, though others may contest, it did good at the box office. 'Untold Scandal' grossed 3,345,268* in 2004 and making it on rank no. 31 in the 2006 [or 2007? source does not say but it has 2007 movies on the list] box office list.


'Untold Scandal' is a story about a young nobleman who takes up a bet to seduce a widow who is renowned for her chastity. The story revolves around love, lust, jealousy, and revenge. An adaptation of the 18th-century French novel Dangerous Liaisons, transposed to the Chosun Dynasty.

Other fans i know got turned off to yong joon when he did this movie, but honestly for me, i like his portrayal of Jo Won and he really did a good job of transforming himself from a gentleman in WLS to a playboy in this movie.

here are the photos. btw, it's my first time seeing some of the photos. LMS really looks beautiful and classic.

scanned by vento/byjgallery

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