
Wednesday, July 09, 2008

yong joon's life in NY

There are 2 articles today that i read about yong joon. They reported yong joon's life in new york. Not sure how accurate this news is but i'm glad to read something about what he's been doing in new york.

Hancinema wrote a short news about him. It says that yong joon has been strolling around NY in his casual style clothing. To read more about the article that Hancinema posted on its site click here.

The other article came from Ilgan Sports which Joanne translated and posted on the news section of BYJ's Quilt. The news that Ilgan reported is much longer than the one by Hancinema. Reporter Lee Inkyeong wrote that yong joon is enjoying his freedom in NY as he does his own cooking. ^^ He also reported what Hancinema wrote and added that he strolls around with his camera [and fans recognize him ^^] and that he is also devoting some time at a fitness center. The article also mentioned that according to a BOF staff, they're not sure when he is going back to Korea and denies rumor that he's studying to learn english. [hmm, i read somewhere that he's in therapy for his knee and that he's studying english?]

There was a mention of the japanese manga 'Drops of God' but there's nothing new about it. The article only says that yong joon is thinking of appearing and producing the drama.

To read the article from Ilgan that Joanne translated into english, click here.

p.s. the photo posted here is not the photo on either article ^^ just thought of using it since i really like that photo which i think from the megane ichiba designer series. hee, i'm using that image too as my avatar in soompi.


  1. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Hi, liezle;

    How are you?

    I just want to say hello.

    It's kind of routine for me to visit your blog :)

  2. hello suehan! thanks for dropping by ^^

    i'm doing great except that i miss our man just like every baesister.

    btw, thanks for your translation in quilt. ^^ i hope you could see him too.

    take care!


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