
Monday, August 04, 2008

precious videos

i don't usually post videos here. but these particular videos that style/byjgallelry posted on byj's quilt i believe should definitely have a space here in my blog. ^^ why? because i love 'em!

i've seen this first video before and i really really like it. this was during the image days. love the music that yandy used in creating this fan made video. i hope that there will be an available link to download this mv.

mr. farenheit
by yandy

and this video, it's actually my first time seeing though i've seen photos of this date with these fans in TGIF in 2000. this is a very rare video of yong joon having a date with his fans.

yong joon with fans in 2000

these fans are soooooooooooo lucky! i'm so green with envy when he tasted the soup of the fan using his fork. he did it twice! and he served her babyback rib! aaahhhhh....

i wonder if yong joon can still be able to do this? oh, i wish there are english subs or translation of this video ^^

thanks style for posting this videos once again.

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