
Friday, August 01, 2008

update on yong joon

i got a pm [personal message] this morning from a very nice japanese baesister [i always appreciate your updates ^^,] in soompi and she lets me know about MyDaily's telephone interview with Mgr Yang concerning yong joon's return after almost 2 months of vacation in the US. Per Mgr Yang, yong joon will be filming cfs [i hope these are new endorsements] and will take care of some business [related to his restaurant business]. also he talked about yong joon's knee injuries which has not completely recovered yet.

i was able to see the news in hangul and japanese and trying to decipher. i think that the newspaper also asked whether his return is temporary or not to which Mgr. Yang said he is not sure.

but according to bb's blog as well as from the earlier pm of the same baesister to me, when yong joon met with fans last night [he had dinner with philip lee], he told fans not to be worried since he won't be going back to the US. [not sure if what he meant was returning to the US soon].

anyway, hope we get to read the translation of the news from MyDaily.

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