
Saturday, August 09, 2008

yong joon checked out!

i just read in miemi's post on byjgallery at around 14:11 today that yong joon left the hospital. how true? it's true! ^^

i'd like to know more but the link to what miemi posted is locked :( anyway, let's wait for some kind baesisters to let us know about this new development. style posted what miemi wrote on kob and yes, yong joon indeed left the hospital to rest and recover at home.


i saw in yuri's blog last night below photo of manager yang. i didn't quite understand that message. thanks though to bb's blog for confirming what i thought that was written .

mgr yang is in tokyo. last night he went to gosireh and joined some fans who were having a gathering. of course mgr yang talked about yong joon ^^ he said that he's well, will be in the hospital for about one week and will undergo a 6 month rehab program.

here are 2 more photos of mgr yang from last night's visit at gosireh that was added by yuri this morning on here blog. thanks yuri!

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