
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Cultural Awards

cit seems that not only mariko and i were so confused on the awards that the Government of the ROK will give to yong joon and 50 other recipient. ^^ glad that suehan provided the info on BYJ's Quilt. thanks so much suehan!

here's what suehan posted ~

There are two different classes of awards that the Korean government gives,
one is the Orders(勳章) and the second one is the Medals (褒章).

The Order except Grand Order of Mugunghwa has five different classes;
wuri YJ nim receives the Order, and is a higher class than the Medals
which Lee Young Ae received last year.

The Medals don’t have classes, ahd is just one class.

Here are the Orders.

*훈 장(勳章, Orders)

무궁화대훈장(無窮花大勳章, Grand Order of Mugunghwa)
건국훈장(建國勳章, Order of Merit for National Foundation)
국민훈장(國民勳章, Order of Civil Merit)
무공훈장(武功勳章, Order of Military Merit)
근정훈장(勤政勳章, Order of Service Merit)
보국훈장(保國勳章, Order of National Security Merit)
수교훈장(修交勳章, Order of Diplomatic Service Merit)
산업훈장(産業勳章, Order of Industrial Service Merit)
새마을훈장(새마을勳章, Order of Saemaeul Service Merit)
문화훈장(文化勳章, Order of Culture Merit) … BYJ receives
1등급 : 금관(金冠, Geum-Gwan)
2등급 : 은관(銀冠, Eun-Gwan)
3등급 : 보관(寶冠 Bo-Gwan)
4등급 : 옥관(玉冠 Og-Gwan) ......... Jeon DY/Moon Sori received this before.
5등급 : 화관(花冠 Hwa-Gwan).. .........BYJ will receive this year.
체육훈장(體育勳章, Order of Sport Merit)

The Medals don’t have classes, and is just one class.

*포 장(褒章, Medals of Honour)

건국포장(建國褒章, National Foundation Medal)
국민포장(國民褒章, Civil Merit Medal)
무공포장(武功褒章, Military Merit Medal)
근정포장(勤政褒章, Service Merit Medal)
보국포장(保國褒章, National Security Medal)
예비군포장(豫備軍褒章, Reserve Forces Medal)
수교포장(修交褒章, Diplomatic Service Medal)
산업포장(産業褒章, Industrial Service Medal)
새마을포장(새마을褒章, Saemaeul Service Medal)
문화포장(文化褒章, Culture Merit Medal) ..Lee YA received this medal last year.
체육포장(體育褒章, Sport Merit Medal)

and style posted on byjgallery the photos of each badge, ribbon, lapel and collar [higher awards] that the recipient will get. thanks to style!

here's what yong joon will be getting on the 18th of October...

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