
Sunday, October 19, 2008

cute fan's account at the cultural awards

I will be posting more photos from KOARI later For the meantime, let's have some break with the photos and read this cute story from a fan who attended the Cultural Awards yesterday.

suehan, thanks so much for your hardwork and always giving us beautiful translation.

[Trans]My messy postscript.
A fellow Korean fan attended the award ceremony in Cheongju
and posted her story on byjintoronto café. Please enjoy.


Original in Korea: Eunhyeong / byjintoronto
Translated into English: suehan/byjintoronto

[My messy postscript.]

I entered the Art Center. The rows, like at school, were divided into
about 5 sections.

I sat in about the 10th row in the 2nd section from the entrance.

But, the awardees were sitting over there, in the first row in the 5th section.

Oh, well. It was fun to look at the back of his head, but he was too far away.

Joonie was about 5 minutes late.
I guessed that people and reporters were mingling at the entrance and
he couldn’t enter in time.

I went outside to drink some water before the ceremony started,
but I had to return quickly due to the scary atmosphere.
I guessed that was when Joonie might have arrived.

(Frankly, I couldn’t approach him because of my in-laws.
If I were seen by the cameras, they might spot me, because
they keep watching the same program over and over.)

Joonie was late, so he couldn’t go in the 5th section and became
the student in our 2nd section Hehehe
He sat in the 8 rows in front of me and sat 4 seats away from my seat.

His hair was so beautiful like a noblewoman's, and I could see it well.
But, the light went off and it was dark.

I was confused by the other persons’ head.
Later the light came back on, and I realized that it was CEO Pyo’s head.
Oh my god.

He came up on the stage.
His suit was shiny and looked high class, and he was so tall.

I looked at his shoes to check whether he wore high heeled shoes.
Nope. There were just like my husband’s

His jaw line was still sharp like a paper that was cut out.
He was so slim and his front, back and side were so glossy.

Even the camera man showed me the picture that he had taken of YJ,
and said that YJ was so handsome.
Hm...You’d better to talk someone who doesn’t know that he’s handsome. Haha.

I saw Manager Yang in the corner over there, and I went to talk to him.

I asked him whether YJ would go to the wedding reception after the ceremony,
and he said that he won’t go, but he would go to Seoul for the appointment.
“Where?”, I asked, “Gorilla?”, he responded, “Gangnamgu.” Haha

He said that YJ was going to leave right after he received the award,
but he decided to stay and came back inside because Jang Nara
had already left and the elders and many fans were still attending
the ceremony. [liezle : very considerate of yong joon.]

I said, “YJ said that he would marry at forty years old. What’s going on?”.
Mgr Yang answered, “He just responded saying "It was just an idea."

I gave him the book and card that Shushu had brought and told him
that she was a precious, young fan who was in her early twenties.

Then, Mgr Yang pretended to be surprised and said, “Oh, is she?”.
He laughed as well.

It looks like we have to wait for the “The Drops of God” longer.
It will probably be the later part of next year. My tears are dropping.

I said, “Then, I’ll play with the side dishes until then and come back.”
He responded, “Play with Cain and Abel in a bit and come back.” Haha
[liezle : this is really cute when manager yang said this .Cain and Abel in the drama of So Ji Sub that will start broadcasting in February of next year.]

Meanwhile, the ceremony has ended and wuri Joonie and Andre Kim greeted
each other. It was a fuss with the cameramen and we couldn’t’ get out for
about 10 minutes.

Six of us wanted to see him closer.
Luckily, the people scattered around and nobody was around him.
Shushu shook her hand with him and she said that she was so happy that
she won’t wash her hands.

I’ve never seen anyone who didn’t wash their hands.
If anybody didn’t, then her hands would be dark, but it’s not.

It may be a little sad when you wash your face at home.
But, the great memory should be kept inside.
Am I right?

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