
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

TFS ran out of posters ^^

thaks to suehan for the korean to english translation on byj's quilt.

btw, isn't this amazing? and the posters haven't even been distributed to our overseas family.


[News Trans]’BYJ posters’ have gone out quickly.. out of stock

‘BYJ posters’ have gone out quickly.. out of stock
‘For customers who purchase TheFaceShop’ went out of stock right after being disclosed. Domestic and overseas fans are saying, ‘I want to have it.’’

2008.11.11 (Tue) 7:03 am

Sports Hankook, Reporter Lee Hyunah

‘It’s out of stock because of Yonsama!’

The face of Hallyu Star, Bae Yong Joon is out of stock. The posters of TheFaceShop, the brand that BYJ is modeling for, were out of stock right after they were disclosed on the 1st of the month and have set a record.

BYJ’s face is printed on the front and his upper body is printed on the back of the poster and it was taken during the CF filming. BYJ filmed for the papers and TV CF for the 5th anniversary of TheFaceShop at Daegwan Valley in Gangwondo in the middle of last month.

The staff of TheFaceShop said, ‘All of BYJ’s posters were out of stock in all the stores of the country in one week since they were disclosed. In Seoul, even foreign fans acquired posters and which made them out of stock in hours.’

TheFaceShop had a huge success in the efficiency of public relations with Hallyu star, Bae Yong Joon. The posters were distributed to the customers who are only buying their products. The recognition of their product and their income were increased from the customers who are buying the products to acquire the posters. They killed two birds with one stone.

Before Bae Yong Joon, they used Kwon Sang Woo, Ko So Young, and Okuda Erica as their models and produced the posters. But, it’s the first time the posters were out of stock.

TheFaceShop printed 10,000 posters in the beginning. But, they were out of stock rapidly, and they hastily made posters the 2nd time around and are distributing them now.

They increased the numbers this time and printed 30,000 posters. But, it’s known that they are almost out of stock due to the demand of domestic and overseas fans. Actually, the fans are posting their requests to acquire the posters continuously on his home page.

Same staff said, ‘The responses from customers about BYJ are very good. We expect the increase of revenue and reconsideration of our image of TheFaceShop with BYJ.’

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