
Sunday, December 14, 2008

photos from the christmas event

thanks so much to mariko for sharing these on byj thread @ soompi.

mariko wrote ~

BYJ appeared with his friend Ryu Seung Soo after Kang YoHwan sang the opening song, the theme from "Hotelier". BYJ and RSS appeared a few times, mostly towards the end of the event. They appeared again after Ryu sang 3 songs (WLS theme, My Memory, and a new song composed by himself). Then, they picked the number for the raffles. Unfortunately, only 3 lucky fans went home with BYJ's signature on the event's pamphlet which BYJ wrote on the spot after hearing the names of the fans.

I manage to take these pics after about 2 hrs. Btw, the event lasted for about 2 hrs and 15 minutes.


btw, according to mariko too, yong joon is so mischievous, and keeps on laughing and joking around RSS. ^^ he's wearing black muffler, gray jacket and denim jeans. and his hair is not on ponytail!!!

and these were taken by mariko ^^

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:29 AM

    i really don't like his long hair , please cut it . In some pictures when he welldressed even with long hair he looks artistic ,especially some artworks were made by his talented fans ( lucky him )but in his casual outfits , honestly he looks gay to me .
