
Thursday, January 01, 2009

complete trans of yong joon's portion @ the 2008 mbc drama awards

here's suehan's complete translation of the video below. thanks suehan!

after suehan's translation, you may also read [EDITED since i posted wrong speech earlier] below the speech of kim myun min. i'm still looking for the translation of song seung hun's speech. when i find it, i'll just add the text later.

btw, does anyone here know what lee jun ki said on his portion? seems like there are some controversies on what he said about the drama such as 'Beethoven Virus', 'New Heart' and 'East of Eden' and japanese fans as well. [NOTE : please see lee jun ki's comments on the mbc awards below]



[Trans] Conversation between BYJ and 2 MCs at the 2008 MBC Drama Awards.
korean to english translation by suehan

Shin: Now, we’ll announce the honorable Grand Award Winner of 2008 MBC Grand Awards as the last award.

Han: Yes, for the announcement of the honorable Grand Award winner, previous year
‘s winner, Bae Yong Joon is waiting for it.

Shin: It has been one year since wuri Yonsama has appeared. Actually, it might be difficult to watch the scenes if not watching this MBC Grand Awards. There are so many rumors floating around.

Han: What rumors?

Shin: There were rumors, like his hair has grown to about his waist, or his hip..something like that. There are so many rumors. A little later, we will be seeing him in a year and confirming it. What kind of appearance will he show today? Here is last year’s Grand Award winner, Bae Yong Yoon ssi.

(The screen is showing last year’s ceremony)

Song: Bae Yong Joon ssi of TWSSG!

Shin: Congratulations, Bae Yong Joon ssi!

Bae Yong Joon: Thank you. I really appreciate the viewers who have trust in us and been waiting for our drama all the way.

(caption: Then, who will be the Grand Award winner, today?)

Bae: Annyeonghaseyo, this is Bae Yong Joon.


Bae: It has been a year since I have appeared. Many directors, staff, actors, actress, and seniors, have put forth hard work to produce good dramas this year. It looks like the end of this year is more difficult compared to other times, but I hope MBC drama will give hopes and laughs to many people of the new year. I’ll work hard as an actor as well.

Shin: It has been a year, Bae Yong Joon ssi. I’m glad to see you. There are so many rumors about your hair, like your hair is near your waist, or hip, and someone said that your hair was braided, but now we can confirm that it’s not true. I have a personal question for you. You have been waiting quite a long time backstage.

Bae: Yes.

Shin: I’m wondering if you were curious about the Grand Award winner and already opened the envelope.

Bae: I didn’t because I heard that it would be marked if I had opened it.

Shin: That’s why. We work hard to have the envelope explode with stuff to keep it from being opened backstage if we have enough production costs.


Shin: Do you remember his black crutches, which were the biggest topic last year and were the fanciest ones that I’ve ever seen in my life?

Han: You even had special crutches.

Shin: I asked you before what you were going to do with those crutches later on. Do you still have those, or did you give them to someone as a present? Or did you put them up in an auction?

Bae: They’re at my house.

Shin: I’ve never thought that I wanted to keep them as well.

Shin: Do you remember last year? I asked you when you were going to get married. You said that you would marry in three years no matter what happened. One year passed already. Two years are left, please share the story if you have good news that we don’t know about.

Bae: It seems that there is something can’t be achieved even with plans and efforts. And still 2 years remain, I’ll try hard.

Han: Many women dreamed about that, didn’t they?

Shin: Actually 2 years will be passing quickly. You might marry a strange girl to keep the promise with your fans and to marry within 2 years if you’re not prepared, so please work hard. Now, Bae Yong Joon ssi, will you please announce the Grand Award winner.

Han: Who do you think will receive the Award?

Shin: It’s a very difficult question.

Bae: Well. It might be a boring answer no matter how I answer.

Shin: then..

Bae: Ah, personally, I hope my close junior SSH would get the Award, but there are many competitive actors whom I have been impressed with. I really don’t know who would get the award.

Han: You might have answered a difficult question.

Shin: I thought you would answer conventionally because it was a very difficult question but you showed your thoughts.

Shin: We’re curious about and look forward to who will be getting the Award. Now, please announce the Grand Award winner of 2008 MBC Grand Acting Award.

Bae: 2008 The Grand Award goes to Kim Myung Min nim of Beethoven Virus and Song Seung Hun nim of East of Eden.

Kim Myung Min's Speech
thaks to piano_lady of kkm thread @ soompi

Thanks to God.
He gave me a talent, the talent to perform
And….he did not fully satisfied me with it so that I can make every effort.Thanks so much, God!
Thanks to my family members who pray for me,
and thanks to my parents
And the big senior of our drama, Lee Soon Jae(oboist),
taught me, "An actor should not neglect his duties on developing creative work."
And he personally sets an example to us. Thanks to Senior Lee Soon Jae.
And my Senior Song Ok-soon(Madame Jung.) and Park Chul-min(Trumpetist)
you took all Kang Mae's spiteful words as it is
my Geun-suk and Ji-ah and Hyun-jun, thank you all
Also, thank you so much to our players of Beethoven Philharmonic Orchestra members.
They devoted to me as if I were a real conductor.
Although they are not here,
thanks to Director Lee Jae-Kyu and screenwriters.
Also, despite insufficient sleep, Art Director Seo Hui-Tae passionately taught me conducting skills day and night.
Without him, I couldn't have successfully made it the role as a conductor a bit.
And I want to express my thanks to all my fans who help me and support me whenever mountains block my way.
Thanks to all.


this portion was lifted from the 2008 MBC thread at soompi. i'm honestly having doubts on this post. just really want to know what he said. if someone can clear this up it would really be appreciated.

"Right after Male Woo-Soo Sang nominees were named, and right before he was about to open the envelope and give the award, LJK said
"But you know, those people sitting in the front don't look like fans.
Wow, they are continuously clapping and wooing. You've been trained well!
They must be very happy."

It's because 2/3 of the audience (not the actors, but the fans who came to cheer) were actually people from Japan who came to support BYJ.
(correct me if I'm wrong on the Japanese fans coming to see BYJ. I know for sure that 2/3 of the audience were fans from Japan, but I'm not hundred percent sure that they came for BYJ. But Korean Netizens are saying that they came for BYJ, and some of the articles I read seem to prove it, so.. And BYJ is being cursed a lot by the Korean Netizens.. along with SoJiSup.)
1/3 of the audience at the front were hired fans (koreans) who led the clappings so the Japanese fans at the back would know when to clap.
"You" refers to the fake, hired fans, and "they" refers to MBC which really wants Japanese fans for the HanRyoo YulPoong.

Then he continued,
"According to the script, I'm supposed to say 'Which role did I envy out of all these?'"
The woman MC said (they've been running out of time), "People are telling us to keep this short."
LJK replied, "So I told them I'm going to make this long. What, do they want me to just keep silence?
I personally enjoyed watching New Heart and Beethoven Virus so ..."
When Beethoven Virus was not even in that nominee.

LJK really was trying to get on MBC's nerves.
Korean Netizens are all cheering him."

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