
Thursday, January 15, 2009

i wish we could taste that kimchi!

thanks to tomato99 for translating and sharing mgr. yang's latest blog entry on byj's quilt.

i bet, if the kimchi that yong joon made will be sold, it'll break so many records. ^^


[trans]BYJ Mgr’s Blog (43) Publication
source: BYJ Mobile Official Site
BYJ Manager’s Blog

15 January 2009
by: Manager Yang Geun Hwan
Japanese to English: tomato99

Dear family, annyong hasaeyo.
This is Yang Geun Hwan.

These days, Bae Yong Joon is devoting his energy to the book to introduce Korea.
He personally visits the pla*ces where he plans to introduce,
he would meet and interview Korea’s craftsman for the book.

Other day, he learnt how to make kimchi (kimjang) from a famous kimchi maker,
and he even made homemade kimchi himself.
‘Kimjang’ is Korea’s winter tradition to prepare kimchi you eat during winter season.

Bae Yong Joon gave me kimchi that he made himself.
This is just between us, I did not have high expectations about its taste,
but it was really delicious!
I even thought, I want to share it with everyone.

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