
Friday, January 23, 2009

lunar new year

lunar new year starts on the 26th of january. how do you think koreans celebrate Seollal [korean new year]? most people go back to their hometowns to perform ceremonial rites, paying their respect to their ancestors, so the day before and after Seollal are also designated holidays.

since lunar new year is just around the corner, this photo of young yong joon in hanbok came out again.

hmm, i wonder how yong joon will celebrate the lunar new year? you think he has time to purchase gives for his loved ones? will he be performing ancestral rites and play traditional Korean games with family members? or will yong joon be travelling during Seollal Holidays. ^^

photos posted by azuna / byjgallery


  1. Anonymous9:06 PM

    I really like these picture , Byj looks cute with short hair and Korean traditional custom.

  2. Anonymous3:45 PM


    I hope he'll revert to short hair SOON.
