
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

BOF News

Mariko just shared with me some news posted tonight on KOB. Thanks!

Here's the first one.

SportsSeoul reported news about stars whose contract with their management company expiring soon.

I have mentioned in my earlier blog entry that So Ji Sub's contract with BOF is to expire in April. His good friend Song Seung Hun's contract with his agency will also be expiring. There are rumors that SSH will put up is own management company though no confirmation coming from him yet. His friend SJS is said to be joining him.

Meanwhile, Choi Ji Woo's contract with Olive 9 will also be expiring and there are also news about her putting up her own agency or joinining the agency that Shin Heon Jun [her co-star in Stairways to Heaven].

For stars renewing or to be signed up, it's in the news that Lee Na Young whose contract is also expiring will be renewing her contract with BOF. While Lee Bo Young is said to be signing up with BOF. It is even in the news that Bae Young Joon personally called her up.


News from SportsHankook said that there are knitted caps donation by anonymous japanese family to poor korean families in the name of Bae Yong Joon.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:16 PM

    what's with CJW and BYJ? How come they're avoiding each other??? I don't get it...these 2 should be doing a drama or movie together, because everyone knows that it will be a sure this is friendship??? i don't get...i really don't!!!??? I like CJW, but i'm not that impress with her acting..i mean, what is she proving???She's a megastar in Asia, why not sign up with BOF??..because she wants to have her own identity and not be tagged along with BYJ?? this why she went to SBS, A COMPANY THAT BYJ dosen't want to work for??? OK, none of my business..she's a big girl..but one day, the truth will out!!!arggg...
