
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

[Continuation] Who is Kim Hyun Joong?

Last night i posted articles shared by Kim Hyun Joong fans at soompi things that we'd like to know about KHJ while growing up. If you happen to miss that click here.

Today part 2 of Stars Diary : Kim Hyun Joong was posted on soompi by quynhn. Many many thanks!

Here's part 2...

02/23 [trans] Star Diary (2) Kim HyunJoong ‘During Year 1 Middle School, Excited To See Seo TaiJi’

Credits : + + (English Translation) xiaochu @ [many many thanks too girls!]

Kim HyunJoong who has long legs since elementary school, listened to songs by ‘Seo TaiJi & Boys’ when he is still an elementary student and indulge into music. He traveled to 5 European countries with his elder brother when he was in year 5 elementary school.

During 1st year middle school, cultural shock from Seo Taiji ‘It’s Ultraman’
Practiced 10 hours of guitar a day

“I get really excited if I see him!”

Though Kim HyunJoong swept away all the females’ hearts , there is a star whom he wants to meet. He is none other than the culture leader Seo Taiji.

Kim HyunJoong started to be a fan of Seo Taiji when he went to the records store with his father and bought Seo Taiji’s LP for the first time when he was still an elementary student. “I still have the LP that I bought at that time. Especially after I heard Seo Taiji’s ‘It is Ultraman” in year 2000, I started to completely fall for heavy metal genre.”

That was when he was in 1st year of middle school. Kim HyunJoong saved up his money from his part-time job to purchase his first guitar. “With 70,000won, I went to the Music Instruments Shopping District but there isn’t any guitars that I can afford. One shop owner sold me at a discounted price feeling sorry at the look of me walking along and holding on to the 1,000 won notes which I’ve saved from my part-time job.”

After he bought his guitar, he neglected his studies and immersed with practicing guitar. Practically not going anywhere outside, he held to his guitar for 10 hours a day. And he formed a school band ‘AXERS’ with 5 friends, and when they have money, they would spend it on 7,000won hourly rent practice room to practice together.

‘AXERS’ gained recognition for their relatively good merits among their same-aged group. Every time without fail, they would perform at school celebration events and their head-banging skills heated up the audience atmosphere.

Even though he is the leader of dance idol group SS501 now, rock is still Kim HyunJoong’s favorite genre. “Rock (music) is definitely the best to be in rhythm with the audience. Compared to singing in a band, I think it is more cool to be quietly playing the bass at the back.” [liezle : he really wanted to be a rocker but DSP said no ^^]

Kim HyunJoong’s love for Seo Taiji doesn’t change as time goes by. When Seo Taiji released 10,000 limited edition of his 10 years debut anniversary commemoration album in 2007, Kim HyunJoong pre-ordered at various places to be able to purchase just 2 copies of it.

So we ask Kim HyunJoong if he has seen his all-time idol Seo Taiji after he debuted as a singer? Answer is ‘not yet’.

“Last year, when Seo Taiji comeback with his album ‘MOAI’, someone in the broadcasting company promised to show me to him, however it was a pity that I missed it due to SS501’s schedule. I still feel very excited when I think that I will get to personally see Seo Taiji singing.” [liezle : i hope his dreaming of meeting his will come true]


On the news today, Hyun Joong mentioned in his radio interview yesterday that after he has done his part in 'Boys Over Flowers [BoF]' he plans to go the US for six months to study dancing and singing.

I'm not sure how accurate this is since from what I know after BoF, all cast will be going to Japan in April for the promo of their drama. Then after that SS501 is slated to have a comeback in June or July of this year.

I've mixed emotion when I read this. I'm glad that he wants to study in the US to improve his craft but sad at the same time because he'll surely be missed by SS501 fans [including me]. I wonder what DSP thinks about this?

In addition to the news about his plans in going to the US to study. I guess in the same radio interview, the host ask him in an interview over the phone to express his humorous thoughts towards F3 who are Lee Min Ho, Kim Bum and Kim Joon. With his usual bluntness that we've witnessed in 'We Got Married' he said the following to F3...

Left to Right : Kim Joon, Kim Bum, Lee Min Ho & Kim Hyun Joong

To Min Ho : "Min Ho ah, you are too tall. When we are filming using a long shot, I look shorter than you, really pisses (jokingly) me off. Don't walk with me next time."

To Kim Bum : "Kim Bum, do you still want to be an artiste in future? Your "secret" photos are in my hands, if you don't listen properly to what I say in future, I will distribute them to everyone!"

btw, according to the article, LMH and Kim Bum were beside him during this interview and that their laughter was heard on the airwaves when they heard what Hyun Joong has to say about them. ^^

To Kim Joon : "You always bet with me when we play a game of pool even though you know that I am bad at it. Hyung, you are such a good person, just lose to me once alright?"

thanks to coolsmurf/allkpop for the above quotes ^^


btw with no BoF every Wednesday and Thursday, i'm watching 'Cain & Abel' of So Ji Sub [currently airing on SBS if you have TVants] . I really want to blog a bit of this drama but With S2 still has not released any sub titles today.
Though there were some gorggy operations in episode 1 and 2, i find the drama kinda interesting, with many conflicts and fast paced. I'm so curious about the anger that Cho In's [SJS] stepmom is harboring on him and what really happened to Cho In in the dessert.

If you want to watch episodes 1 and 2 [though subs are not that good] you can catch it in or]. to download the episodes using torrent and the sub-titles go to d-addict.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for uploading this.

    I started loving Hyun Joong so naturally and i was suprised to myself that i have never been in love with any celebrities before but Hyun Joong.

    The first time for me like this... I found him...haha

    He is the most hansome actor to me, good acting, awesome dancing and singing as well.

    i cried when i reached to the paragraph of his parents watching him working in the restaurant at night.

    He's such a good kid.

    Best personality.
