
Friday, February 20, 2009

Kim Hyun Joong on Ep 15 of BoF

New photos from KBS's page of Boys Over Flower [BoF] came out today and i got excited seeing so many photos of Kim Hyun Joong that will be shown on episode 15 which will be this coming Monday.

Episode 14 ended with Ji Hoo and Jandi having fun exploring Macau and Jun Pyo giving Jandi a call but to no avail.

With the release of episode 15 photos, many are already speculating [specially those pro Ji Hoo] that both Ji Hoo and Jandi will start falling for each other. While Jun Pyo upon knowing the closeness will get jealous.

The following photos i believe is not part of ep 15 but ep 14. This scene is really cute. F3 played hide and seek with mask. I really like this scene plus many more.

Lucky Jandi, not only able to hold hands with KHY...

But was also able to do this!


  1. Anonymous10:42 PM

    geez..isn't he he's got the entire BYJ family liking him too...just wish for this young man to take it easy and EAT!! he's gotten really thin. I read that he's extremely hardworking and a perfectionist...whoa..leathal combination!!!even if i love watching him on every show that he did on YOUTUBE, i want him in the best of health. He has a long way to go...he's only 23. he should live like one!!!

  2. Wow Liezle, I love these pics, although I think he's way too thin, he needs to rest more.

    The scene in epi 4 when he hugs her from behind is heartbreaking, he embraces her and also embraces her sorrow, for her.
    I think HJ's acting here is very good because I still can feel his sadness behind his mask.

    But I don't think that the writer can change the storyline of the manga and makes Jandi falling for Ji Hoo, at the end Ji Hoo still will be the one who suffers.
    I didn't watch the other versions but in this version Ji Hoo is my fave (I tried and tried but still couldn't stand Jun Pyo) and I wonder how on earth a gal could resist such a guy like Ji Hoo.


  3. hi chakachan!

    yeah he has lost too much weight after WGM. the daily/nightly shooting and pressure to satisfy his fans must be to hard on him. plus the cfs and other tv commitments.

    after BoF the cast will only have few weeks of rest [KHJ and LMH will be resting at the hospital and probably Kim Bum too due to previous accidents]. then after their rest they will be heading to Japan for the promotion of their drama. After which they will go on their separate ways to fulfill their other commitments individually.

    with their popularity sky rocketing high i don't think khj, lmh, kim bum and the rest of the stars of BoF will have a rest. hee, and much more to khj whose group SS501 will be making a comeback in june or july.


  4. hey camille!

    oh yeah that scene is so nice and heartbreaking too. i wish that the director made him remove that mask. but the director must have felt that it's more dramatic to have it on.

    do you know that in all versions my favorite is the character of ji hoo? and i was also smitten by vic zhou and oguri shun?

    the writer of BoF has so far follow the manga and if this will continue to go on like that, Jun Pyo will surely be getting Jandi in the end but will be threatened by Ji Hoo. But i think, they're making a nice twist for Ji Hoo in this korean version with the coming out of the grandfather. ^^

    i've seen the trailer of ep 15 which i'll be posting here. all F4 has a new hairstyle to make them look mature. KHJ's hairstyle is the nicest amongst the four.
