
Thursday, February 05, 2009

[Trans]BYJ’s handwritten diary

thank you so much suehan for translating this wonderful piece of writing in byj's quilt. ^^

here's the link where you can check yong joon's beautiful handwriting.

BYJ’s handwritten diary, “My journey diary” from
the Arnaldo Bassini 2009 spring catalogue

korean to english translation by suehan


New Challenge in 5 years
It was a new challenge against me once again.
It was the same feeling just like before..
Staff members are always close to me and
work hard continuously to help me
with a tight schedule.
Because these good people are near me,
I’ll be able to get energy to face the challenge
Here, I want to show my gratitude to all personnel
relating to the filming and staff.

The filming cooperation: Guam Visitors Bureau
Sheraton Laguna Resort in Guam, Modetour Network

“The Day Before”
I got the schedule before the departure
I wonder if I can have some free time this time.
I check the itinerary one by one methodically
and think of people I’ll meet during this trip.

“Stylish Travel”
I have a belief, “Act grandly, but be humble.”
How will I look in this trip?
Every trip has its own style, like my appearance.

“After the Meeting”
My private time after the meeting.
I don’t know when, but I started to have
interest in taking pictures.
There is a style only I can express in the square frame
even though it’s same image and scenery.
Taking pictures is attractive.

“With Coffee”
Tasty smell from the freshly-baked bread and
coffee which is wrapping my body softly.
A comfortable morning makes me expect to have comfortable day.
Today, I’m going to go on a trip alone with a map and car.

Happy journey
A balmy breeze and soft sunshine..
It looks like that morning and journey are similar.
It always gives me a new feeling as usual.

Day Off
Comfortable itinerary at unfamiliar pIace.
It's a pIace where I can slowly ask myself questions.
Sometimes, such simple comforts make me smile.

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