
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Chaos Over BoF Ending

Season 2 of 'Boys Over Flowers' [BoF] is making viewers go crazy making their own conclusion . The reason being is that Jun Pyo-Jan Di shippers are worried that the PD is changing the ending to Ji Hoo-Jan Di. To add to this is that leakage of the script are all over the net with scenario of Ji Hoo and Jan Di getting married.

Geez, if you guys have been to BoF thread @ soompi you'll get to read there all kinds of reactions from fans. Some of which are really pissed off because they feel that the PD would want to have a Ji Hoo-Jan Di ending which is very different from the two other versions.

Well, season 2 really is a big turning point for Jun Pyo-Jan Di shippers. After getting giddy in season 1 they feel that the PD is depriving them of some Jun Pyo-Jan Di moments. They're so hungry for them to be together on screen that they can almost hit the tube with anything whenever they see a Ji Hoo-Jan Di or Jun Pyo-Jae Kyung scenes. ^^

Adding to their disappointment is the leakage of the script. In which some are suspecting KBS or Group 8 is responsible for. Up to this writing, there's no word from either KBS or Group 8 about it when it's all over the net and being translated in different languages.

Those people who are reacting to this frenziness i believe are worrying too much and just making life difficult for them. ^^ Don't they realize that what drama is supposed to give them entertainment? If they can't take how things are progressing, i believe that they just drop the drama and not spend too much time dissing the PD and actors. Likewise, it seems like too that there are many wanting to be a scriptwriter. ^^

Well for me, I don't really care who ends up with who. But if the PD wants to follow how the original manga ended then we all know that Jan Di will end up with Jun Pyo. Honestly, if Jan Di ends up with Ji Hoo, i can already predict chaos in all BoF webby and fora.

Let us see, who is best for Jan Di?

Gu Jun Pyo?
- heir to the vast wealth of Shinwa
- despite being wealthy, he's a lonely child when growing up
- childish in many ways
- his mother's weapon for him not to pursue Jan Di is by blackmailing him that many will suffer if something happens to Shinwa.
- his first love as we all know is Geum Jan Di
- loves Jan Di but his being the heir is a big obstacle in their relationship
- kind of relationship with Jan Di : they're like cat and dog
- lets go of Jan Di in Macau to follow his mother's wishes
- pampers Jan Di when they're not fighting

Yoon Ji Hoo?
- inherited the wealth of his parents including a baseball and soccer team as well as art galleries. only living relative is his estrange grandfather.
- a loner
- mildly autistic
- Ji Hoo's grandfather treats Jan Di affectionately and even he said to her that she resembles a lotus flower [unknown to him that he's a friend of Ji Hoo]
- first love is Seo Hyun
- has a deep feelings for Jan Di but cannot confess because he knows that she has feelings for Jun Pyo.
- compares Jan Di to a lotus which is not only pretty but also does good deeds
- kind of relationship with Jan Di : he is her fire extinguisher and she makes him happy
- sticks with Jan Di all the time and does not ask anything in return

And what about Jandi who is her best match following the list below?
- first crush is Ji Hoo
- fell in love with Jun Pyo because he's persistent
- insulted by Madam Kang many times
- grandfather likes her
- she and Jun Pyo broke up twice
- was kissed by Jun Pyo three times
- was kissed by Ji Hoo once
- makes Ji Hoo smile
- has the guts to face Madam Kang for insulting her family
- life is miserable whenever near Jun Pyo because of Madam Kang
- painfully loves Jun Pyo but cannot do anything
- cares for Ji Hoo [though not sure if she's already falling for him in the last 2 episodes]
- she probably confused by now ^^
- considers Ji Hoo as her saviour
- loves Jun Pyo despite being abused [really, i don't know. i don't feel any giddiness in their relationship (compared to the other versions) though i find it entertaining with all the bickering. i'm still waitng for Jun Pyo to fight for his love to Jan Di]

In all 'Hana Yori' versions that I've seen, it's the character of Ji Hoo [Rui/Lei] that captivated me. He's such a prince that every woman is dreaming of. Though in the Japanese and Taiwanese version, Ji Hoo's character was not portrayed as lonely as what the Korean version is making him.

My prediction. I believe that BoF ending will be open ended. Hey, we are watching k-drama and k-dramas are known to always have open ended ending [if not someone dying of illness]. This means that endless discussions will be all over BoF fora.


  1. Me too, I really don't care who ends up with who. I just don't want to see Ji Hoo suffer anymore, this guy is such an angel and all he gets is pain.

  2. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Second to the above comments.
    Any endings will be ok as long as Jihoo is happy.
    Fighting, Jihoo!

  3. hello guys! i hope that the pd and scriptwriter are reading all the feedbacks about about Ji Hoo.

    they've done a very good interpretation of Ji Hoo's character. i think that they've even given more emphasis on Ji Hoo's character than that of Jun Pyo. that's why Jun Pyo and Jan Di shippers are threatened by Ji Hoo and Jan Di's relationship.

    i hope that later the pd will do what the taiwan version did. a mini drama [3 to 4 episodes] wherein each F4's story were told.

    have a great weekend!

  4. Anonymous1:04 PM

    hello guys! Looks like some of you are Jihoo fanatics..Just like me. :-) But for me, It doesn't matter too if jandi ends up with jihoo or junpyo, just hope they all have a happy ending especially Jihoo, he's such a lovable prince charming. But if we come to think of it, on thehe other two versions end with makino and tsukasa/sancai & dauminsu together. What if this drama come to a different ending, what if jandi really ends up with jihoo? I guess it will be intriguing. :-)
