
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

HQ Screencaps from BoF Episode 18

I just finished watching episode 18 of BoF and i like it though there's not too much Ji Hoo unlike the previous episodes. F4 scenes in this episode i think are quite distributed well. Even Woo Bin was given ample time to show his acting ability.

These caps were from the last 15 minutes of the episode 18. I like the scene when both where seating on the bench and Ji Hoo had his eyes closed.


  1. OMG, those pics are really a feast for our eyes. HJ is soooooo cute and handsome, especially the 4rd and 5th from the top.
    Thanks Liezle fro sharing those lovely caps.

  2. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Hello Liezle, Thanks for the pictures. You have finished watching Ep 18? Where? With English Subtitle? SO envious. Please tell me ;-) Carrie

  3. Hello Camille! This boy is getting cuter and cuter. But i really really do hope that he gains back the weight he had lost. I was watching some of his videos in 2008 and i really like his physique then. Feb more weeks and filming will be over. Hope that DSP will give him a week off to rest before doing activities in Japan.

    Have a great week!


  4. hi anonymous :)

    i actual watched it live streaming on kbslive last night but buffering was so bad. after a few minutes that it was shown it was uploaded on youtube channe of kdrama2008 but without subtitles. if you want to watch in on YT just type in your search engine please Ep. 18 (1/7) kdrama2008 and you'll be directed to it. o

    hope i'm able to help.


    if you want to download the series in torrent plus the subtitles. go to d-addicts. if you need help let me know.

  5. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Just looking at KHJ's face make me feel happy and dreamy.... what an amazing boy... sigh...
    Many thanks for all the news and photos of 4D prince.

  6. Hello Anonymous! He never fails to put a smile on my face whenever i watch him.

    Thanks for dropping by.

