
Monday, March 23, 2009

Ji Hoo Screencaps from Ep 22 of BoF

I like [as always and regardless whether there is more or less JH scenes] episode 22. Hee, I thought there'll really be less scenes of Ji Hoo but i was wrong. There was a scene that photos weren't released by KBS earlier... the car washing scene of Jan Di and Ji Hoo.

After this episode we're down to only 3 episodes and many are really worried now especially the JoonDi shippers about some quality scenes between the two. I think just by reading posts at BoF thread @ soompi, many JoonDi shippers were again not satisfied with the screen time given to the them. They feel that Ji Hoo and Jan Di scenes are unnecessary. Likewise, they are claiming that the PD is favoring Ji Hoo for Jan Di.

Actually, though I'm a fan of the manga, i just learned today that the writer of HYD's original intent was to have a Rui/Makino ending. But due to the clamor of fans for a Domyouji/Makino ending the writer thought of ending it as what the ending was. And the Taiwanese and Japanese version adapted the original ending.

Now, since this is Korean version, as I've written earlier, there are doubts whether the PD will retain the ending or make a different ending.

Between the 4 versions I've seen including the manga and the current version, the korean version is the only version wherein the character of Rui/Ji Hoo is given so much emphasis to the point that you'll think that he's the lead role.

The PD and writers of BoF i think are really trying to make fans of Joon Pyo - Jan Di and Ji Hoo - Jan Di shippers reasons to debate on who's better off with Jan Di.

This scene is cute and so is Kim Hyun Joong. ^^

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got to go now and watch ep 23 this time in HQ vid^^


  1. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Hi, liezle;

    How are you?
    It has been a while since I’ve posted a comment on your blog even though I read it almost everyday. Thank you for your hard work and maintaining it everyday.

    I believe there must be some confusions since Korean names are very similar. The person who has passed away is Ms. Kim Jeom Sun, an artist (a painter), not Mr. Kim Joong Man, a photographer.

    I believe YJ met her for the first time at the poster shooting of April Snow with a photographer, Mr. Kim Joong Man.

    For your reference, here is the link of her picture.*



  2. Hello dear Suehan and thanks for dropping by.

    Thank you for that clarification. I'll just delete that entry then and will inform my source about the confusion.

    Btw, hope everything is well with you. ^^

    Take care and enjoy the rest of the week.

