
Monday, March 30, 2009

Pix Spam : BoF Episode 24

EDIT [after watching ep 24 in LQ on YT] >>> i won't let this night pass by without posting this...after watching ep 24 on LQ at YT ... Ji Hoo made me cry....and Madam Kang too! KHJ is so darn good in this episode so much so of emotions . He's the best Rui for me!

oh yeah there so much screen time for him again. :)

btw, F3's expression was so hilarious when Jan Di was doing the kick. Ji Hoo was so cool when he snobbed Umi's handshake. And he looked scary when he yelled at Jun Pyo.


These are random screencaps for KHJ thread and BoF thread @ soompi. I haven't seen the episode [i'm in the process of downloading] but from the looks of it and from what i've been reading at soompi it was another good episode. Hee, and there are lots of Ji Hoo screentime though some of them are sad.

Funny how the JunDi shippers are again acting when the Umi character came out. They really hell annoyed with her. Poor Umi... Looks like the JunDi shippers DO NOT want any obstractions in the JunDi relationship. First it was Jae Kyung, then Ji Hoo, and the Umi. But hey, this is a drama, someone has to play the bad guy. ^^

Enough said... here are HQ random screencaps. ^^ Btw, i would have wanted the photos in chrono order but i've not more time.


  1. Carrie6:41 PM

    Hi Liezle,

    Love your blog! Thanks for all the KHJ updates. Can't wait for ep 25 while at the same time don't want to see BOF end :-). I sure hope that PD will come up with something for Jihoo since it is just too sad that the nice guy doesn't seem to have much luck with love, first the model/lawyer, then GJD. I am definitely one of those rooting for Jihoo/Jandi love. Not particularly interested in GJP. But the scene where Jihoo snubbed the hospital girl is a little too much. A little rude in my opinion. Hey, I love Jihoo nonetheless ...

  2. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Thank you for KHJ updates! Though saying Good-bye to Jihoo is very sad, very happy for getting back to real (carefree, cheerful, smiling) hyun joong.
