
Friday, March 06, 2009

Snapshop of Yong Joon's Latest Photo

Looks like Nikkan was able to get a snapshop of Yong Joon's latest photos. Thanks to miemi for scanning and posting the article on byjgallery. you may click the photo to enlarge. ^^

Here's the gist of the article. Thank so much to Mariko. I know she's busy but she shared this news on BYJ thread @ soompi.

BYJ came to Japan on Feb 26 via Sendai Airport and went to Morioka by Car.
He rode the shinkansen (bullet train) for the first time on the night of March 4th
going to Tokyo.

It was known on the 5th that he visited the IWAYAMA Art Museum through
the recommendation of Mr. Chong who taught BYJ about lacquer painting.
He will use this as a material for the Book that he is writing.


Oh, he finally rode shinkansen. *liezle clapping* it's a dream come true for yong joon. hmm, could he and his staff bought the entire coach.

okay, IWAYAMA will certainly the next destination of baesisters :) Yong Joon is some sort of way is also promoting domestic tourism in Japan. :)

and here's enlarge photo from makiko/byjgallery

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