
Monday, March 09, 2009

Today's News on Kim Hyun Joong

I just read another interesting translation from Quiante on soompi courtesy of andy38martinez of khj thread @ soompi.

in KBS 2TV ‘Yunye GaJoongGye’ that was on air last Saturday, 07-Mar, Kim Hyun Joong was asked who amongst the F4 is the best looking. I would have thought that he would say any of the F4 but instead he said that it would be difficult to choose from anyone because each are very different from one another. He continued on saying that, a perfect boy over flower should have, Gu Joon Pyo’s height and wealth, Yoon Ji Hoo’s gentleness, Yi Jung’s refined manner and Woo Bin’s skills in fighting.

He was also asked about the condition of Goo Hye Sun [her lips were stitched due to traffic accident] , who plays Geum Jan Di in BoF. He said that “We can’t make her laugh.” He continues on saying, “The stitches on the lips will break if she laughs, so we have to make a serious atmosphere when we visit her for the time being.”

In another news, it seems that Hyun Joong and his management company are disappointed with Group8 [i think he talked to some reporters about his disappointment]. With the recent event that took place last Saturday [death of Jang Ja Yeon], Group8 is said to be inconsiderate in handling the schedule of BoF casts and insensitive to their feelings. It was reported that Group8 refused to cancel an open shooting with about 100 Japanese fans from a tour group scheduled in the afternoon of Mar 8 after the cast attended the wake of their colleague.

Hyun Joong, specifically was flaberggasted when they were informed about the open set filming. It was reported that he asked if this [open set filming] is significant because it doesn't make sense when they are still mourning the death of JJY. They refused to start filming with so many fans watching. But I think in the end Group8 won. Group8 said that it's impossible to cancel the meeting with the Japanese fans [blame it to the travel agencies].

Geez...These travel companies are really way off hand now. Fans can’t be blamed for joining these travel agencies because these travel agencies promised to them upon paying hefty sum of money that they will surely see their idol/s. I just hope that those managing these travel companies [and whoever is their contact to the actor/s] will be responsible enough and sensitive enough to the feelings of the actors. .

Btw, prior to this open set filming, the F4 had a fan meeting on the night they learned about the death of a colleague.

p.s. this is just so sad and i read this on BoF thread @ soompi. this is still regarding the insesitivity of Group8

Kim Bum recently left msg on his homepage main board saying that...

'Nameless people ordered me to smile so I did. then they lose interest about me. so I cried. I promise myself I would not smile again. but I want to see people smile so I had to obey their orders. RIP. Jang Ja yeon '


i'll end this post with these photos from the BoF. Not sure when these was taken but i think this will be in episode 18 or 19. The scene is taken inside the new house of Geum Jan Di.

Remember i mentioned earlier that KHJ doesn't want to smile in photos.
Hee, this is example of that. I think unless it's a photoshoot or goofing with friends
in front of the camera, that's the only time we'll see his beautiful smile in print.

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