
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Yong Joon at Morioka

When Yong Joon went to Japan last week, Japanese news reported that he went to Morioka to learn lacquer painting. Click here to read the details.

Here are screencaps from one of the news broadcast in Japan. Thanks to deka_if for sharing on byj thread @ soompi.

Mr. Chong Yong Bok

The fedora is back. see how worn out it is? ;) :D sigh... and he didn’t forget to bring it to japan.
And here's a details of the vod which Mariko [much thanks again!] is so nice to share in byj thread @ soompi.
Mariko wrote ~

BYJ has done 12 panels actually.
Mr. Jeong said that he stayed awake for 24 hrs without sleep
and he admired his concentration and devotion.
They went strolling busy streets of Morioka
including going to many sightseeing places.
They even went to a big coffee shop and
he was amazed that nobody noticed him.

That bottle of Ocha was left half filled by YJ.
The reporter was very excited upon hearing that
esp when Mr. Jeong offered the tea to her.
YJ stayed in that room and he said he'll continue
to learn lacquer painting from Mr. Jeong that's
why the clothes that he wore this time will be left
hanging in there until next time he come.

He’s so dedicated [hee, as if we don't know] .We've read so many times how devoted Yong Joon is when doing something. But to be awake for 24hrs?! Amazing! Does he ever get tired?


  1. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Hi liezle

    Thanks for the update. U are so funny. I am sure this is Mr Jeong first encounter with YJ. That is why he do not know his personalities. Anyway that is good that he already admired him in this first encounter. Amazing isn't it? Ha ha ha ha



  2. hey jenny, thanks for dropping by once again.

    not sure if this is their first encounter. i seem to have read that yong joon started lacquer painting in korea. i'm assuming that he's korean too by his surname. ^^

    but really, any one who meets yong joon only has good words for him. i think that he's really and admirable and amazing person.

