
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

BAEtiful Artworks

This will really be my last post for today then I'll be logging out. ^^ I've already said my bye bye in soompi about an hour ago and I'm still here in front of my computer.

Geez, someone has to really drag me out of here. I'm starting to really look like a panda lately.

Here are more drawings from the Cosmopolitan making that I lifted from nagajun's blog.

And here's one from another very talented Japanese baesister, Pallet. She shared this wonderful artwork in BYJ's Quilt.

Click here to see 2 more recent artworks by nagajun.

To see more of their work you may check them here.
Collection of Pallet's Damdeok Artwork
Nagajun's Damdeok Artworks

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