
Thursday, April 23, 2009

[BYJ] New Megane Ichiba CF

News about the new Megane Ichiba is out. The new CF will be seen starting tomorrow April 24 in Japan.

thanks to miemi for the scanned photos above

Here are some screencaps from Japanese news reporting about the new CF of Bae Yong Joon.

This is not the first time that Megane Ichiba used dog in their cf. In 3rd quarter of last year, they've used the very cute 'Bada' in the 'Designer' version of the cf. The cf where they used 'Bada' is my favorite amongst the cf of Megane Ichiba that came out.

Here's 'Bada' with Yong Joon. Click here to see more ^^

And here are the cf and the making of the 'Designer' version.

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