
Saturday, April 18, 2009

Hyun Joong & his comics

Fans of Hyun Joong would know how this adorable fellow loves reading comics, right?

There is one video that i posted earlier showing each member of 'Boys Over Flowers' cast given a comic book. If you noticed, Hyun Joong got totally engrossed with comic book when handed to him compared with the rest of the actors on stage.

Below is a photo from the same stage where the comic book was given but this time he's already seated [if my memory is correct when the book was given to them in the video they were all standing]. Hee, I think he's still very much excited after he got the book. I hope he'll read it even if it's in Japanese. It'll surely help him with his with his Japanese.

Btw, i just read this in LMH thread @ soompi posted by sara2908 [she's a baesister ^^] In the interview during the presscon Hyun Joong the F4 were asked “Would you confess your feelings to a friend’s girlfriend?”, Kim Hyun Joong said jokingly, “As long as it’s not [SS501] member Park Jung Min’s girlfriend, I would.”

Hmm, I wonder why he said that?


  1. LOL.. Park Jung Min is also affectionately referred to as a horse in his group SS501.. Aww, you really should watch their edited funny clips in youtube..

  2. hello candysoulfaerie thanks for dropping by.

    yeah i know that they love calling PJM mal. hee, and even their fans call him mal. sometimes i feel that they want him to stop calling him that name but it just won't work. anyway, it's all part of the fun.

    btw, i think that hyun joong just gave that answer randomly without any meaning to it. hee , we all know how so random he is, right?


  3. hi liezle,
    love your blog lots, and have been checking everyday since i recently discovered it

    to answer your question, jung min is known to be a bit, how should i put it...temperamental at least, ranging to downright violent...LOL

    have you seen the vids for thank you for waking us up on youtube? jungmin attacks any and everyone who tries to wake him up...imagine trying to steal his girlfriend!!!

    i think hyunjoong knows better than to test jungmin. i would love to see that interview tho, is it linked in this blog?

    thanks again for all your hardwork!

  4. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Thank you liezle for all your time and sharing these wonderful postings of our little prince!

    I could enjoy most of his activities thanks to you!!!

    The 4D prince, how irresitably cuteeee he is..... everything about him ....falling for him every day......ooohhh!

  5. liezle said...

    hi guitardani13! thanks for dropping by.

    yup i've seen TYFWMU several times since i've a copy of that ^^. I've just read his full reply from jpnews posted on soompi. here's portion of the article...

    In the subsequent interview, he was asked "If you fell in love with your friend's girlfriend, just like in the drama, what would you do?" Kim Hyun Joong replied, "If I really like the girl, I'll go for it", "But that girl mustn't be Jung Min's girlfriend..." His reply caused laughter among the audience. When asked, "Why not Jung Min's girlfriend", Kim Hyun Joong replied, "He's too scary", again causing the audience to laugh.

    Credits: + Elsa菜 @ + (english translation) SS5014ever @

    thanks again.


  6. hello Anonymous!

    never a dull moment watching hyun joong.

    thanks for dropping by.

