
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Hyun Joong "Jung Min is too scary." ^^

Here's Hyun Joong's complete answer on why he said he would fight for a girl even if it's his friend's girl for so long it's not Jung Min's girl. He's really funny. And like someone posted in the reply box earlier, she thinks the reason why Hyun Joong said this is because Jung Min can be violent [and he talks too much... but cute] as seen in TYFWMU episodes. ^^

Loads of thanks again to Quiante team.

Leader Kim Hyun Joong says, "I'll fight for a girl, even if it's my friend's girlfriend, unless it's Jung Min's"

Credits: + Elsa菜 @ + (english translation) SS5014ever @

Up next was Leader Kim Hyun Joong, whom the audience had been anticipating.

Once he was up on stage, the audience started waving their lightsticks and fans. As "Hyun Joong" was difficult to pronounce, everyone was shouting "Leader, Leader" instead. Kim Hyun Joong greeted everyone in fluent Japanese, "I'm very glad to see everyone here today, regardless if I've seen you before, or if this is our first meeting."

Kim Hyun Joong prepared a special present, which was his guitar performance. He played the song he played for Jan Di in "Boys over Flower", winning him the cheers of the fans. But as he was too nervous, he NG-ed twice. However, fans would always shout "It's ok" in Korean to an embarrassed Kim Hyun Joong, and he managed to finish his performance.

In the subsequent interview, he was asked "If you fell in love with your friend's girlfriend, just like in the drama, what would you do?" Kim Hyun Joong replied, "If I really like the girl, I'll go for it", His reply caused laughter among the audience. When asked, "But that girl mustn't be Jung Min's girlfriend...""Why not Jung Min's girlfriend", Kim Hyun Joong replied, "He's too scary", again causing the audience to laugh.

With regards to interesting happenings during filming, Kim Hyun Joong said, "In New Caledonia, if you hurt a lizard accidentally, you'll be deported. So we spent most of our filming time looking at the ground."

During the fan meeting, Kim Hyun Joong also had performances with the other members of SS501.


  1. Anonymous2:47 PM

    The answer is so Hyun Joong!!!
    It can't easily come out if it's not him, right?

    He's that honest as well as witty, ha ha ha..... Tks to Liezle!

  2. Hi Anonymous! Hee, it's so him right? Cute as always when answering. ^^

